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NS-USBloader v0.9.1

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,


USB-Installation von NSPs über Goldleaf.

Neben einigen Bugfixes für die Netzwerkinstallation in Adubbz Tinfoil wurden die Elemente im Einstellungs-Tab neu geordnet.

* Settings tab: elements reorder.
* Bugfix in Tinfoil net-stack: in case of 404 condition you will see appropriate reply in homebrew instead of stuck UI.
* Bugfix in Tinfoil usb-stack: Now it won't ruin the data and thus your installation if there are no request from NS side for a while. (Really rare bug. Many thanks to developers/contributors of 'Awoo Installer': Huntereb and HookedBehemoth for detailed report!)
* Minor updates in Tinfoil logs.
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