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postLoader v4.6.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

stfour hat seinen postLoader aktualisiert.


Wir bieten euch die Version 4.6.1 an, die bisher nur über das Update verfügbar ist!

Der postLoader wurde schneller gemacht, besonders im emuNAND. Außerdem wurden Bugs gefixt und die allgemeine Perfomance verbessert.

postLoader 4.6.1
* emuBrowser: fixed dsi when browsing ntfs partitions
* changed hourglass icon with something more "modern"
* new locking method for covercache thread
* various fixes

postLoader 4.6.0
* now every mode allocate it's structure to mem2... tested with up to 23767 unique roms (thank abz)
* emuBrowser: now all partiotions should handled correctly
* various fixes

postLoader 4.5.4
* emuBrowser: introduced some more checking, like rom name checking. Only one rom is added if the same path is specified on another plugin
* fixed a memory issue with screensaver
* much faster ms_strcmp function. This should speedup a lot of operations
* various fixes

postLoader 4.5.3
* emuBrowser: Reduced memory occupation. Depending on roms path names, also more then 50%
* minor fixes

postLoader 4.5.2
* rolled back to the damn slow sd logging system

Quelle: Googlecode

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