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SX Installer v3.0.1

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update , ,

NSPs lassen sich wieder von einer USB-HDD installieren und das Dumpen des Title-Keys wurde behoben. Ferner wurde Samba-Support hinzugefügt und NSZs lassen sich installieren – dabei handelt es sich um NSPs, deren Inhalte (NCAs) komprimiert werden. Die Installationsgröße bleibt aber die gleiche. Näheres findet ihr im Changelog.


SX Installer v3.01 Changelog:
* Fixed USB HDD support.
* Fixed Title Key dumping.
* Improved rendering performance.
* Added SMB/Windows File Share support.
* Added ability to re-arrange locations.
* Added support for "blocked" NSZ installation.
* Automatically resets required version upon install / uninstall.
* Input is now accepted from all controllers, not just player one.
* Added shutdown screen so you can safely exit the application from title mode.
* Blocked the installation of all modified DLC and Updates with no way to bypass.
* Fixed bug that allowed users to install 9.0 encrypted titles on lower firmwares.
* Included auto-install-forwarder and blocked applet mode due to memory constraints.
* Disabled remembering "standard crypto" option to prevent users from leaving that enabled.

SX Server v1.2 Changelog:
* Added support for XCI, XCZ, and NSZ
* Added gdrive support to both SX Server and SX Installer

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