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Schlagwort: lunar magic

Lunar Magic v2.53

Wii: Update , ,

Lunar Magic IconFuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor "Lunar Magic" aktualisiert.


Einige kleinere Fehler wurden behoben und ein paar Funktionen hinzugefügt. So lassen sich jetzt bspw. einfach ROMs und Paletten auf den Editor ziehen, um sie zu öffnen und Level können direkt am Startpunkt geöffnet werden.

Lunar Magic unter Windows


* fixed a bug from 2.40 with ExAnimation on the overworld where if you tried to use multiple slots for the same destination tile to do faster animations, the frames would not always appear in the order you'd expect. Thanks goes out to Noivern for reporting this. 
* if overworld ExAnimation is installed, it will also now fix a small issue present in the original game where the bottom waterfall tile animation would not consistently match up with the main waterfall tile. 
* fixed a glitch in the original game where sprite 52 (moving ledge hole) would appear in the wrong position if placed at the top of a sub-screen. Thanks goes out to Thomas for discovering this, and zacmario for reporting it. 
* fixed a minor issue from 1.70 where the timing of the victory pose at the end of the level didn't really match up to the music in non-SA1 ROMs. 
* corrected info on sprite 45 (directional coin) as it does in fact have a time/coin limit. Thanks goes out to Katerpie for reporting this. 
* replaced some non-standard apostrophe chars in some tooltips in the General Options dialog that could get displayed oddly on non-english systems. Thanks goes out to Akaginite for reporting this. 
* fixed a small issue that's been around forever where using a mouse gesture on a screen exit that goes to a vertical level did not scroll the screen for the corresponding entrance of that level into view. 
* made it possible to use Ctrl+Alt+F7 in level editor for advanced users to edit more local ExAnimation slots by sacrificing global slots (when global animations have been disabled for level/submap). 
* made it possible to use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F8 in overworld editor for advanced users to enable editing more levels and events (the game does not currently support this at the moment, so don't enable it unless you're adding your own ASM for it). 
* added the ability to drag and drop a ROM, mwl, map16, or palette file into the main level editor window to open the file. 
* made it possible to use Alt-Middle click to edit screen exits. 
* added LM_MOUSE_EDIT_SCREEN_EXIT to function names for user toolbars. 
* added an option to open levels at the main level entrance. 
* added an option to pause animations when the program loses focus. 
* added an option to display the ROM file name and path in the main window title bar.

Lunar Magic v2.30

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Lunar Magic, der Super Mario World Editor, wurde aktualisiert. Damit feiert Lunar Magic sein bereits 14-jähriges Bestehen!


Level 3 Tilemaps können jetzt angsehen und editiert werden, außerdem wurden die wohl meistbenutzten Dialoge "Add Sprites" und "Add Objects" grundlegend überarbeitet, sie besitzen jetzt sogar eine Suchfunktion! Auch der Background-Editor wurde überarbeitet, an vielen Stellen wurden "Rückgängig" und "Wiederholen" Buttons eingeführt. Mehr im Ankündigungspost weiter unten und im Changelog in der Lunar Magic Hilfedatei unter "What’s new?".

HINWEIS: Wer vorher schon ASM-Hacks zum Umgehen der Layer 3 Grafiken benutzt hat, sollte diese vor dem Editieren entfernen!

Lunar Magic unter Windows 10 Technical Preview
Lunar Magic unter Windows 10 Technical Preview
 This release of Lunar Magic adds support for displaying and editing layer 3 tilemaps, bypassing layer 3 graphics and tilemaps, replacement "Add Object" and "Add Sprite" windows, a new background editor with x2 zoom and undo/redo, undo and redo buttons for the level and overworld editor, an option for the overworld that allows merging GFX slots FG1 and FG2 into SP3 and SP4 to create room for 2 more FG slots, graphics reloading on the overworld for exit tiles and player swapping, and several other minor changes and features. Check the "What's New" section of the help file for a full list. 

 Note that if you have already used third party ASM code for bypassing layer 3 GFX, it should be removed prior to using this version to avoid compatibility issues. 

 Today is also the 14th anniversary of the day Lunar Magic was first released!

Lunar Magic v2.11

Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert!


This version of Lunar Magic fixes a couple of minor issues in the new 8×8 tile selector for the overworld editor. For a complete list of changes, check the "What’s New" section of the help file.

Dies haben wir dann auch getan:

Version 2.11 February 9, 2013

-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
wouldn’t show the correct colors for title screen or credits editing.
Thanks goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where the
overworld controls did not enable the save button when used. Thanks
goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-made an adjustment to the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
will paste tiles with priority enabled by default for title screen
and credits editing, at Zeldara109’s suggestion.
-changed the "Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog, so that changes to
the current entry aren’t lost when you switch which entrance you
want to edit.
-added a "Clear Slot" button and a "Clear All Slots" button to the
"Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog.
-added a new option when importing multiple levels from files, to
clear all existing secondary entrances in the ROM before importing.

via FuSoYa’s Niche

Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE
Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE

Super Mario World Level-Editor "Lunar Magic" auf v2.10 aktualisiert

Allgemein, Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat den ultimativen Level-Editor für Super Mario World "Lunar Magic" auf Version 2.10 aktualisiert! Wir haben diesen Download unter "Wii-Downloads" -> "PC" einsortiert!


This version of Lunar Magic contains mostly overworld editor updates, such as the ability to use x2 zoom and a new 8×8 tile selector that allows for multiple tile selection and controls similar to the new Map16 editor.  For a complete list of changes, check the "What’s New" section of the help file.