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TWiLight Menu++ v24.5.0 mit NDS-Bootstrap v0.55.4

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,

TWiLight Menu++

Das TWiLight Menu++ sieht aus wie das DSi-Menü und kann in Verbindung mit NDS-Bootstrap DS-Homebrews und DS-Spiele von der SD-Karte abspielen.


Spielt in Verbindung mit TWLMenu++ DS-Spiele und -Homebrews von der SD-Karte ab.

"Sonic Classic Collection" bootet wieder und Anti-Piracy-Fixes für weitere Spiele wurden hinzugefügt. Ferner ist das Logo im HOME-Menü wieder animiert, aber dafür muss das TWiLight Menu++ zuerst gelöscht werden (damit das Symbol komplett aus dem HOME-Menü verschwindet), bevor die neue CIA installiert wird.

TWiLight Menu++ Changelog

What's new?
* (@lifehackerhansol) The icon is now animated again!
** 3DS: For this to take effect, delete TWiLight Menu++ in System Settings, before updating. (Using FBI to delete it will work as well, but make sure TWLMenu++ is gone from the HOME Menu, before updating.)
* (@DeadSkullzJr) Added AP-fixes for:
** Metal Max 2: Reloaded (English translation)
** Nora to Toki no Koubou: Kiri no Mori no Majo (English translation v0.3c)
** Pokémon: Moon Black 2
** SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu: Goddess of Destiny (English translation)
* Deleted AP-fixes for randomized Pokémon ROMs, as each one have varying headers.
* (@Epicpkmn11) Launcher App & SysNAND Region are now autodetected from DSi NAND.
* When launching a GBA ROM using the Native feature on DS Phat/Lite, holding D-Pad Left & R shoulder buttons will now activate a feature hidden in the console, which swaps green intensity between every two pixels.
** As this is not a visible feature in TWLMenu++ Settings, it should only be used for testing purposes.
** Will not work with EZ-Flash 3 in 1.

* (@Epicpkmn11 and various) Updated translations.

Bug fixes
* (@Epicpkmn11) Fixed DSi icon palettes in DSi-based themes. (See #1884 for more info.)
* (@Epicpkmn11) ROM folder is now reset if missing.
* (@DeadSkullzJr) Fixed AP-fix for Metal Max 2: Reloaded.

NDS-Bootstrap Changelog

* B4DS mode: Fixed overlooked bug that caused Sonic Classic Collection to not boot.

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