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WiiVC Injector Script v2.1.3

Wii U, Wii U: Update , ,

KhaderWelaye arbeitet weiter am WiiVC Injector Script.


Multi-Disk Gamecube-Spiele werden jetzt unterstützt – dazu muss eine "disc2.gcm" in den "SOURCE_FILES" Ordner gelegt werden. Außerdem wurden einige kleine Fehler behoben und das Skript funktioniert nun offline, wenn es mindestens einmal vorher online ausgeführt wurde.


## [2.1.3] = 2017-09-22
- For GameCube game injection, a custom main.dol can now optionally be placed in the SOURCE_FILES folder to replace the Nintendont forwarder. Useful if you've compiled a forwarder with different options, or are testing a forwarder for FIX94

## [2.1.2] = 2017-09-21
- Multi-Disk GameCube games now supported, put your disc2 image in the SOURCE_FILES folder as disc2.gcm
- Replaced PNG Verification method, made error messages more clear
- Optional bootLogoTex now supported as either PNG or TGA
- Cleaned up scripting for Title Key and Common Key verification

## [2.1.1] = 2017-09-21
- Script can now be used offline, provided you've run through the script once online successfully (Checks if JNUSTool has already downloaded the needed files)
- PNG Check has been added, so that it will warn you if your PNG isn't valid

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