Der Bildbetrachter wurde überarbeitet und kann auch nicht animierte GIFs anzeigen. Cover aus ID3v2-Tags bei MP3-Dateien werden angezeigt, falls vorhanden und einige Fehler wurden behoben. Näheres im Changelog unten.
Es kann übrigens direkt von 3DShell aus aktualisiert werden, wenn das Download-Icon berührt wird.
* Refactor and clean up external image loading functions: * * Fixed texture display corruption when using next/previous in image preview. * * Image viewer can now display GIF files (not animated). * * Now uses libnsbmp instead of loadbmp which (decodes .BMP files a lot faster with little to no delays!). * * Enable zoom function on any image that is > 400x240 as long as it's not a dual screen image. * * Use nanojpeg to load .JPEG files and remove stb_image since it's a massive library only used for a single function. * Display ID3v2 cover art image if found. * Only display ID3 title if found. * Fixed incorrect title when using next/previous on non MP3 file. * Added dialog before extracting rar/zip file. * Don't display checkbox on parent folders. * The CIA update (for 3DShell CIA version) progress bar is a lot more realistically responsive than previous releases. * Display file sizes in main menu. * Fixed file properties from displaying the timestamp attribute for a non existing entry (parent folders do not have timestamps). * Fix misaligned font size in status bar.
Danke an Volti für den Hinweis!