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Cemu v1.7.2

Wii U, Wii U: Update , ,

Der Wii-U-Emulator Cemu wurde aktualisiert.


Wie immer gab es einige Optimierungen, Kompatibilitätsverbesserungen, grafische Verbesserungen und mehrere Bugfixes. Das Menü wurde neu organisiert, das Bild kann jetzt an den Bildschirm angepasst werden und die Fullscreen-Toucheingabe für nicht-16:9-Displays wurde gefixt. Ein Preview-Video könnt ihr euch auf YouTube ansehen.


# New in 1.7.2c:
GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2SwapScanBuffers() that could cause the GPU command stream to get corrupted

# New in 1.7.2b:
coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in coreinit initialization code

# New in 1.7.2:
general: Reorganized menu options for better clarity (Some debug option stuff wasn't really for debugging)
general: Added option to choose fullscreen scaling mode (stretch to screen or keep aspect ratio)
general: Default and recommended value for CPU timer option is now 'Host based'

PPC: Thread emulation is now using Fibers. Technically speaking, this change was made to simplify context switching within HLE functions. It allows certain API to behave more similar to the real Cafe OS.

coreinit: Fixed a bug that caused MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx() to return negative values under certain circumstances
coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in MPRunTasksFromTaskQ() 
coreinit: Added API MPDequeTask(), MPWaitTaskQWithTimeout(), MPRunTask()
coreinit: Fixed rare deadlock in alarm handler

VPAD: Fixed fullscreen touch input for non-16:9 displays

GX2: Fixed that under certain circumstances GX2WaitTimeStamp() could return immediately due to the low accuracy of the internally used timer (affected only 'Host based timer') 
GX2: Added support for texture format R16_G16_B16_A16_SNORM
GX2: Added support for sampler2DRect textures
GX2: Unsupported instructions in a GS Copyshader will no longer cause a crash
GX2: Fixed texelFetch() accessing textures upside-down if ARB_clip_control is used
GX2: Adjusted handling of vsync and flip event to decrease latency
GX2: Optimized texture encoding & decoding
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized various parts of the GPU command processor
GX2: Fixed incorrect mapping of GS->PS attributes if gl_FragCoord is used
GX2: Fixed handling of GS input primitive LINE_STRIP

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