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DSiMenu++ v5.0.0

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,

Robz8 hat das DSiMenu++ aktualisiert.


DS-Cartridges lassen sich jetzt über das DSiMenu++ starten, wobei wie gewohnt Optionen, wie die Sprache gewählt werden können. Inkompatible Flashkarten (wie die CycloDS Evolution) funktionieren auch, aber es werden keine Optionen übernommen. Zudem wurde ein Crash auf dem 3DS behoben, der zu einem Whitescreen führte.


What's new?
* You can now launch your retail Slot-1 cart with your set language (if supported by the game) and clock speed in the Games/Apps settings!
* Incompatible flashcards (such as the CycloDS Evolution) will now work as well, but it will not read your set language in the Games/Apps settings.
* Reset Slot-1 option added. Change this option, if your flashcard is not booting.
* DSi theme: The rotating dots when launching a game are now added.
* In DSiMenu++, the dots are rotating diamondly, rather than circularly, due to the diamondlar version being easier to implement.
* In addition to DS ROMs, you can now have an NES or GB(C) ROM as your last-ran ROM!

Bug fixes
* After saving settings, DSiMenu++ is now rebooted on 3DS as well, in order to avoid crashing on a white screen.
* Fixed DSiMenu++ logo not being shown on flashcarts.

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