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Hekate 4.5 mit Kosmos 11.5 unterstützt Switch-Firmware 6.2

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update , ,


hekate ist ein hübscher Bootloader und Firmware-Patcher, der u.a. NAND-Backups und einen EmuMMC erstellen kann.

Hekate unterstützt jetzt die Switch-Firmware 6.2.0 mit einer 100%igen Boot-Wahrscheinlichkeit! Außerdem wurden Probleme mit HDCP (quasi DRM für HDMI) und YouTube behoben, sowie weitere Bugs gefixt.

* Full 6.2.0 support. Thanks to @nwert, @balika011 and off course, @CTCaer !
* * It has 100% success ratio.
* * Supports Secure Monitor and new Exosphere
* * Supports booting 6.2.0 with less than 8 fuses
* Added support to "Print TSEC keys" and "Dump pkg1/2" tools
* Fixed YouTube HDCP issue. Thanks @hexkyz for taking the time to investigate.
* Every file lister is now ignoring hidden files and .dot files
* Added "silent option to Auto HOS power off option. You can now choose if you want the logo to be shown.
* Refactored the monolithic main.c to simpler grouped sections. Additionally hos.c took some love.
* Many many bugfixes

* Removed fusee again - Did you really think we had nothing for you guys ;^)
* Updated Atmosphere
* Updated ldn_mitm
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