JoostinOnline hat seine Modifikation des SysChecks released! Diese beinhaltet Verbesserungen bei der Erkennung des Homebrewkanals und des Homebrew Filters. Außerdem wurden einige andere Dinge gefixt.
- Fixed HBC 1.1.x detection for languages other than English - Fixed HBF detection for languages other than English, and removed German message if it doesn't exist - Fixed compile warnings - Added support for proper display in Windows Notepad - Fixed format of meta.xml file - Updated libCheckRegion so that it supports new Wii and vWii regions - Fixed Region report for the vWii - Added check for Shop Channel Country - Improved code readability - Support for custom 4.1 System Menu versions (544xx) - Changed the background and icon - Changed the English date format to MM/DD/YYYY because that's how it's used in conversation - Other minor changes