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Schlagwort: savegames

SaveMii v1.5.7

Wii U, Wii U: Update


Ein Savegame-Manager für die Wii U zum Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Speicherdaten.

Noch nicht initialisierte Titel werden nun korrekt in der Liste angezeigt und das Wiederherstellen dieser funktioniert nun korrekt. Ferner wurde eine deutsche Übersetzung hinzugefügt.

* Fixed uninitialized titles not showing up on the Title List
* Previously, when restoring to an uninitialized title, it would either fail or not be able to delete it from system settings after restoring, that has been fixed (thanks to @GabyPCgeeK for telling me how to fix it)
* Added German translation (thanks to @Kugane)

JKSM 05.08.2020

3DS, 3DS: Update

JK’s SaveManager (JKSM)

Ein Speicherdaten-Manager für den Nintendo 3DS.

Bevor sich wieder ein Witzbold über die Versionsnummer amüsiert: Das ist das amerikanische Datumsformat.

Neben der Behebung einiger Bugs wurde ebenfalls das Favoriten-Feature von der Switch-Version portiert.

* Dropped support for *hax
* Cleaned up FS code
* Favorites ported from switch
* Fixed bug that caused extdata to not be backed up when dump all was used
* Probably other stuff. It's been forever.

Checkpoint v3.5.0

3DS, 3DS: Update, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,


Speicherdaten-Manager für den Nintendo 3DS.

In beiden Versionen lassen sich Titel als Favoriten setzen, sodass diese immer oben angezeigt werden. Dazu muss die Konfigurationsdatei bearbeitet werden. Das Verhalten der Knöpfe wurde etwas geändert und weitere, kleinere Verbesserungen vorgenommen, sowie Abstürze behoben. Ferner wird auf der Switch das Interface jetzt per GPU gerendert.

3DS Changelog

* Added option to set a title as Favorite. You can now edit your configuration file to set a title id to be a favorite title, so this will always appear at the top of the title list.
* Key behaviour changed. ( thanks @IBNobody )
* * You can now select rows in the backup list, creating backups and restoring a backup just with the button A.
* * Pressing Y will select the current title but deactivate/reset the backup list. It will also enable the backup touch button only. Creating a backup will then disable the backup touch button. This makes it more clear to the user what buttons / UI elements are relevant to multi-backup.
* Checkpoint is now compiled using C++17.

Switch Changelog

* Added support for Hardware Acceleration. Checkpoint now relies on the GPU to render graphics and text, removing load to the CPU.
* * The interface now relies on SDL2 to render images and text.
* * Text rendering is optimized by using a customized version of SDL_FontCache which caches glyphs in memory rather than creating textures every frame. This also allows to use the system font already available in the console.
* * Checkpoint caches from PlSharedFontType_Standard and PlSharedFontType_NintendoExt fonts, so both regular characters and symbols are now supported to be rendered on screen.
* Added option to set a title as Favorite. You can now edit your configuration file to set a title id to be a favorite title, so this will always appear at the top of the title list.
* Fixed crashes caused by too many file descriptors opened.
* Key behaviour changed. ( thanks @IBNobody )
* * You can now select rows in the backup list, creating backups and restoring a backup just with the button A.
* * Pressing Y will select the current title but deactivate/reset the backup list. It will also enable the backup touch button only. Creating a backup will then disable the backup touch button. This makes it more clear to the user what buttons / UI elements are relevant to multi-backup.
* Fixed occasional crashes while changing account.
* Checkpoint now uses latest libnx 1.5.0, which supports timezone and fixes wrong default backup names if your console never connected to internet.
* Checkpoint is now compiled using C++17.