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Schlagwort: super mario world

Lunar Magic v2.41

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Lunar Magic IconFuSoYa hat seinen beliebten Super Mario World Level-Editor Lunar Magic auf v2.41 aktualisiert.


Diese Version hat einige kleine Tweaks und Verbesserungen. Konsultiert bitte die Hilfe-Datei für einen umfangreichen Changelog.

Wusstet ihr, dass Lunar Magic zuerst am am 24. September 2000 erschien?

This is a minor release of Lunar Magic that has a few tweaks and additions. There is one notable fix however, as sprites were not triggering custom block ASM when touched from the side in layer 2 levels on layer 2 (and it seems it's been that way forever). Check the "What's New" section of the help file for details. 

 Merry Christmas!

Lunar Magic v2.40

Wii: Update , ,

Lunar Magic IconFuSoYa hat seinen beliebten Level-Editor für Super Mario World "Lunar Magic" aktualisiert. Gleichzeitig feiert das Tool seinen 15. Geburtstag und seinen 40. Release. Definitiv das älteste Tool auf der WiiDatabase!


Die Änderungen könnt ihr im Changelog nachlesen.

This release of Lunar Magic adds support for ExAnimation on the overworld, more overworld exit path indexes, .palmask files to specify which colors in the palette should be imported into your level, more zoom levels, 8x8 tile fill in the overworld editor, improved Z-order related commands in the level editor, and other small changes and features. Check the "What's New" section of the help file for the full list. 

Note that this version also adds an option that scans the user area of the ROM for nested RATs on Full Restore Point creation. This can sometimes help detect corruption caused by third party tools and patches soon after it happens, rather than having it go unnoticed for long periods of time. If you'd rather not get this notification, you can turn it off in the restore options.

Lunar Magic v2.31

Wii: Update , ,

Lunar Magic IconLunar Magic, der Super Mario World Level-Editor wurde aktualisiert. Es wird eine Super Mario World v1.0 ROM benötigt. Diese herunterzuladen ist aber illegal.


Ein Bug der letzten Version wurde behoben, bei der die Animation des Schalterpalastes die Weltkarte temporär korrumpiert hat. Ein paar weitere Fehler aus der letzten Version wurden auch noch behoben, beispielsweise Probleme mit dem Layer 3, dem Zoom und dem "Add Objects/Sprites" Fenster. Weiteres lesen Super Mario World Profis im Changelog nach.


Version 2.31 October 31, 2014
- fixed a bug from 2.30 where the flying switch blocks on the overworld that appear when you pass a switch palace would temporarily corrupt part of the overworld's animated tile GFX in the game as the RAM they use overlapped with the extra space that the new 4bpp tiles take up. The fix will be installed when the GFX/ExGFX are inserted. Thanks goes out to 33953YoShI for reporting this. 
- fixed a bug from 2.30 with the M16-7k dialog, where it wouldn't draw/behave correctly. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where the layer 3 CGADSUB checkbox would not always be disabled when it should be. Thanks goes out to Hinalyte for reporting this. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where if x2 zoom was already enabled in the Add Object/Sprite windows when the program was started, the list height was shorter than it should be. Thanks goes out to Underway for reporting this. 
- fixed a minor issue from 2.30 where closing the Add Objects/Sprites windows would not let you use the level history mouse gestures without having to hold down the Shift key. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for reporting this. 
- added the ability to set custom sprite appearances and tooltips in the editor based on the last 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits of the sprite's X and/or Y position. Check the help file for more info. 
- expanded the Map16 space for custom sprites in the editor from 8 to 0x10 pages. 
- tweaked the "Insert all Slots" button of the "Edit ExAnimated Frames" dialogs so that it will insert starting at the currently selected slot instead of always from the start.

Lunar Magic v2.30

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Lunar Magic, der Super Mario World Editor, wurde aktualisiert. Damit feiert Lunar Magic sein bereits 14-jähriges Bestehen!


Level 3 Tilemaps können jetzt angsehen und editiert werden, außerdem wurden die wohl meistbenutzten Dialoge "Add Sprites" und "Add Objects" grundlegend überarbeitet, sie besitzen jetzt sogar eine Suchfunktion! Auch der Background-Editor wurde überarbeitet, an vielen Stellen wurden "Rückgängig" und "Wiederholen" Buttons eingeführt. Mehr im Ankündigungspost weiter unten und im Changelog in der Lunar Magic Hilfedatei unter "What’s new?".

HINWEIS: Wer vorher schon ASM-Hacks zum Umgehen der Layer 3 Grafiken benutzt hat, sollte diese vor dem Editieren entfernen!

Lunar Magic unter Windows 10 Technical Preview
Lunar Magic unter Windows 10 Technical Preview
 This release of Lunar Magic adds support for displaying and editing layer 3 tilemaps, bypassing layer 3 graphics and tilemaps, replacement "Add Object" and "Add Sprite" windows, a new background editor with x2 zoom and undo/redo, undo and redo buttons for the level and overworld editor, an option for the overworld that allows merging GFX slots FG1 and FG2 into SP3 and SP4 to create room for 2 more FG slots, graphics reloading on the overworld for exit tiles and player swapping, and several other minor changes and features. Check the "What's New" section of the help file for a full list. 

 Note that if you have already used third party ASM code for bypassing layer 3 GFX, it should be removed prior to using this version to avoid compatibility issues. 

 Today is also the 14th anniversary of the day Lunar Magic was first released!

Lunar Magic v2.22

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat seinen Super Mario World Level-Editor "Lunar Magic" aktualisiert.


Es wurden einige Bugs gefixt, darunter auch ein schwerwiegende Fehler, wie z.B. beim VRAM-Patch oder im Overworld-Editor. Näheres im Changelog.

Version 2.22 February 9, 2014

- fixed a bug from 1.70 in smkdan's VRAM patch where sprite 49 (growing/shrinking pipe end) could cause a few pixels of some tiles to be corrupted if the sprite was near enough to the entrance to be processed during fade in. Thanks goes out to WhiteYoshiEgg for reporting this. 
- fixed a potential bug that's been around forever where if your overworld had no silent events at all and was not yet using the new format, LM would create a single entry for the table as required by the game's original ASM, but the contents weren't specified so it could end up holding something invalid/harmful. Note that while LM now sets it to "no event" and recognizes that as valid, the entry created by previous versions still has a chance to trigger the new "silent event corruption" warning added in 2.21. In that case simply resaving the overworld in this version will remove the offending entry. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for reporting about this. 
- fixed an issue from 2.20 where opening a level from the "Open Level Address" menu would result in the main and midway entrance not being displayed although the labels still were. 
- corrected the "Mario Path" displayed for overworld layer 1 tile 0x36, which is actually a water version of tile 0x1C. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser and mariofreak4500 for drawing attention to this. 
- increased the allowed number of sprites for the sprite count warning to 255 if Vitor Vilela's RAM remap for SA-1 ROMs has been used. 
- added some code to prevent attempts at opening a second overworld window under certain conditions. Thanks goes out to Hinalyte for reporting this. 
- made a minor tweak to the optimized LZ2 and LZ3 ASM code to not attempt decompression if the GFX file has not been inserted, to aid with ASM debugging. Will only take effect once you switch compression formats with this version. 
moved most of the options in the options menu to their own "General Options" dialog. 
removed the "Highlight Mouse Cursor in BG Editor" option, as it doesn't seem likely that many people turn it off anyway. 
added a new "Check if Vertical Fireball has Buoyancy" option to the general options dialog, at Alcaro's suggestion. 

Version 2.21 December 25, 2013

- fixed a bug from 2.20 where the new "view sprite data" menu item in the overworld editor would display black squares for the sprite data text if the editor had not yet loaded an overworld that wasn't using a custom palette. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for helping to figure this out. 
- fixed a bug from 1.40 (which became more noticeable in 2.10) where changes to the last 8 entries in LM's "Destroy Level Tile Settings" dialog could cause Ghost House/Castle/etc tiles to no longer give the player a save prompt when the event had already been cleared. This is partly due to a mistake in Nintendo's code, as it treats the list as 0x18 bytes long when it's really only 0x10 bytes. This version of LM relocates the table so it can safely have all 0x18 entries, and repairs the other 8 bytes that may have been changed in previous versions. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for helping to figure this out. 
fixed a minor entrance label display positioning issue from 2.20 when switching between vertical/horizontal level layouts. Thanks goes out to Koopster for pointing this out. 
- fixed a small bug that's been around forever, where if the save prompt for castle/ghost house/etc tiles was disabled and the player passed a level using one of those tiles, the player would move off the level even if the event had already been passed. 
added a new ASM hack to fix a timing issue in Nintendo's code, where there was a chance that the game could turn the screen on a frame too early during black screen transitions, resulting in a brief full screen flash of color. 
- disabled some Nintendo ASM that apparently served no purpose, which was preventing ExGFX from being used in tiles 4A-4F and 5A-5F of SP1. This also now makes these tiles 4bpp. 
added some filtering and warning messages to detect and remove bad event data in the overworld in case people corrupt it with external tools/patching. 
- made it so that pressing Page-Up in the overworld editor in event editor mode while on event 0x77 will cause the event to be shown as passed, so you don't have to advance through each step with Home/End for that event. Thanks goes out to Everest for bringing this up. 
- added a small bypass warning in the old GFX bypass dialogs and the tileset change dialog when Super GFX Bypass is enabled, at Alcaro's suggestion.

Quelle: FuSoYa’s Niche

Lunar Magic v2.11

Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert!


This version of Lunar Magic fixes a couple of minor issues in the new 8×8 tile selector for the overworld editor. For a complete list of changes, check the "What’s New" section of the help file.

Dies haben wir dann auch getan:

Version 2.11 February 9, 2013

-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
wouldn’t show the correct colors for title screen or credits editing.
Thanks goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-fixed an issue in the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where the
overworld controls did not enable the save button when used. Thanks
goes out to Zeldara109 for pointing this out.
-made an adjustment to the new overworld 8×8 tile selector, where it
will paste tiles with priority enabled by default for title screen
and credits editing, at Zeldara109’s suggestion.
-changed the "Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog, so that changes to
the current entry aren’t lost when you switch which entrance you
want to edit.
-added a "Clear Slot" button and a "Clear All Slots" button to the
"Modify Secondary Entrances" dialog.
-added a new option when importing multiple levels from files, to
clear all existing secondary entrances in the ROM before importing.

via FuSoYa’s Niche

Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE
Lunar Magic unter Linux Mint 14 mit WINE

Super Mario World Level-Editor "Lunar Magic" auf v2.10 aktualisiert

Allgemein, Wii: Update , ,

FuSoYa hat den ultimativen Level-Editor für Super Mario World "Lunar Magic" auf Version 2.10 aktualisiert! Wir haben diesen Download unter "Wii-Downloads" -> "PC" einsortiert!


This version of Lunar Magic contains mostly overworld editor updates, such as the ability to use x2 zoom and a new 8×8 tile selector that allows for multiple tile selection and controls similar to the new Map16 editor.  For a complete list of changes, check the "What’s New" section of the help file.