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Visual Boy Advance GX Mod v2.3.0

vWii, Wii, Wii: Neu, Wii: Update , , ,

libertyernie hat den Gameboy und Gameboy Advance Emulator "Visual Boy Advance GX" geforkt und eine verbesserte Version veröffentlicht!


Der Kern von VBA-M wurde auf r1231 aktualisiert, was einen Geschwindigkeits- und Kompatibilitätsvorteil mit sich bringt. "Goomba" ROMs können nun abgespielt werden (Gameboy und Gameboy Color Emulator für Gameboy Advance Flashkarten). Außerdem können nun Screenshots erstellt werden, außerdem ist die gesamte GUI nun einheitlich lila.

Changes since 2.2.8:

    VBA-M core updated to r1231
    Tiled rendering used for GBA games (new VBA-M feature, originally from RetroArch) - provides a major speed boost!
    I merged the changes from cebolleto's version (http://gbatemp.net/threads/snes9xgx-fceugx-and-vbagx-with-screenshots-support.366990/). See that thread for details.
    New options available:
        Disable the " Auto" string being appended to save files
        Disable frameskip entirely on GBA (I like to turn this on in some games and keep it off in others.)
    Keyboard fixed (from libwiigui r56)
    GUI prompt is now purple instead of green (button colors more intuitive)
    Goomba and Goomba Color ROM support (using my code from here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/goomba-save-manager-export-replace-goomba-sram.364693/)
        Any Game Boy ROM stored within a Goomba ROM can be loaded "natively" in the Game Boy (Color) emulator (or the Goomba ROM can be loaded as GBA)
        Game Boy SRAM stored within Goomba SRAM is loaded and saved correctly
        I put this in because I keep several GBC games on by GBA flash card, and I like to use the same save file no matter what device I'm using.
    Custom controls available for Kid Dracula (see this video)
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