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Configurable USB-Loader Mod v70r78.13

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Configurable USB-Loader Mod

Modifikation des frei konfigurierbaren Configurable USB-Loaders.

Der 480p-Patch und ein Patch für die Framebuffer-Breite wurden integriert; zudem kann Dithering deaktiviert werden.

* Internals - changed memory start addres to avoid overlaps
* Graphics - added options for 480p Nintendo Revolution SDK bug fix patch (Thanks leseratte)
* Graphics - added options for deflickering settings (Thanks blackb0x)
* Graphics - added options for disabling dithering (Thanks blackb0x)
* Graphics - added options for framebuffer width patch (Thanks blackb0x)
* Languages - Updated KO.lang (Thanks DDinghoya)
* Languages - Updated ZH_CN.lang (Thanks kavid)
* Documentation - Moved README-CFG.txt to README.md, updated and converted to markdown format
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