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Schlagwort: super mario world

Lunar Magic v3.20

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Diese Version markiert das 20-jährige Bestehen von Lunar Magic und fügt DirectX als Level-Renderer ein, was einen besseren Zoom verspricht. Auch lassen sich Sprites mit externen Grafiken und Paletten im Editor anzeigen.

Den vollständigen Changelog findet ihr wie immer in der "Lunar Magic.chm" unter "What’s new in this version".

Lunar Magic v3.11

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Diese Version behebt einige Fehler und fügt eine neue Scroll-Option zu Layer 3 hinzu, die den Vordergründen aus Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island gleicht. Externe Programme können Lunar Magic außerdem benachrichtigen, dass das Sprite-Limit pro Level auf 255 angehoben wurde, damit die Warnmeldung nicht mehr angezeigt wird und eine Option zum deaktivieren der hardcodierten Layer-1-Pfade ist nun verfügbar.

 This version of Lunar Magic has a few minor fixes, and also adds a new layer 3 scroll setting that uses a 1.2:1 scroll rate that goes faster than layer 1, intended for the type of foregrounds you can see in SMW2:Yoshi's Island. Read the "What's New" section of the help file for more details.

Lunar Magic v3.10

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Es wurden mehrere Änderungen für Layer-3-Wellen vorgenommen; bspw. können diese jetzt höher sein, als im Originalspiel und das vertikale Scrollen in solchen Leveln ist möglich. Näheres seht ihr unten im Changelog.


* added support for tides in horizontal levels that are taller than in the original game. 
* added support for having vertical scroll in tide levels when you use the "Constant" vertical scroll option for layer 3. 
* made the layer 3 auto-vertical scroll options detect tides to support vertical scroll of the level. 
* added support for negative Y scroll offsets for layer 3 and greatly expanded the possible range of values (-400 to 3FF) to better allow for adjusting the tide height. The layer 3 scroll offsets are also now displayed in units of 16x16 tiles instead of pixels. 
* made it possible to have tides in horizontal levels that are 1-2 screens wide if you enable the advanced bypass settings in LM. 
* added support for tides in vertical levels if you enable the advanced bypass settings in LM (minimum level height of 2 screens required). 
* added a new setting for layer 3 that lets you make the tides act as water, 3 types of lava, solid, or tiles 0x200-0x20A. 
* added a new setting that makes sprites beyond level boundaries interact with air instead of water, which should usually be turned on for tides. 
* added ExportSharedPalette, ImportSharedPalette, ExportAllMap16, ImportAllMap16, ExportMultLevels, ImportMultLevels, TransferLevelGlobalExAnim, TransferOverworld, TransferTitleScreen, TransferCredits, ExportTitleMoves, ImportTitleMoves to command line functions. 
* added a separate "Auto-Set Number of Screens" option to the "Import Multiple Levels from File" dialog. 
* added an extra 0x10 pages for custom sprite Map16 data. 
* added a new ASM hack to make it so that revealing/destroying overworld layer 1 tiles will show tiles from the same page instead of temporarily showing tiles from page 0. 
* fixed an issue in the original game where castle tiles placed at Y=0xF or 0x2F on the overworld would not collapse correctly when destroyed. 
* fixed a crash bug from 3.00 that happened if you tried to right click to paste objects/sprites in a boss battle level that can't be rendered. Thanks goes out to TheBiob for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 2.30 where using the %5 placeholder in custom user toolbars would cut off the rest of the string. Thanks goes out to SmokedSeaBass for reporting this.

Lunar Magic v3.04

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Diese Version behebt einige Abstürze und Fehler und fügt zusätzliche Optionen für das "Analyze Resources in Levels" Menü hinzu.

* fixed a crash bug from 3.03 that could happen if the "Select All" command was used on objects in the level editor that were then moved or deleted. 
* fixed a crash bug from 3.02 that would occur if you tried to do a remap in the Map16 editor on pages A3+. Thanks goes out to Koopster for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 3.00 where if you went beyond the top of the level with Yoshi, he could eat berries that were on the previous screen. Thanks goes out to Thomas for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug in the original game where if Mario flew beyond the top of the level, he might interact with block numbers formed by the lower 8 bits of a block number that another sprite was interacting with. This was particularly noticeable if the resulting block number was for an invisible question block or jumping note block. Thanks goes out to Thomas for reporting the issue that led to figuring this out. 
* fixed an issue from 2.20 for SA-1 ROMs where if you re-enabled the path fade effect and saved the overworld, a warning message about a failed pointer remap would appear (although the ROM would be fine). Thanks goes out to DPBOX for submitting the hack that revealed this. 
* made the "Block Contents" view option show the contents somewhat translucent. 
* added a few extra options for the "Analyze Resources in Levels" menu command.

Lunar Magic v3.03

Wii: Update ,

Diese Version behebt einen Fehler, wenn Mario in einem horizontalen Wasser-Level über Screen 0 schwimmt. Außerdem wurde eine Option zum "View"-Menü hinzugefügt, mit dem sich der Inhalt von Fragezeichen-Blöcken ansehen lässt. Näheres in der "What’s New?" Sektion der Hilfedatei.

This version of Lunar Magic fixes a potential issue with Mario swimming above screen 0 in a horizontal water level, adds a view option to see block contents, and does a few other things. You can check the "What's New" section of the help file for more details.

Lunar Magic v3.02

Wii: Update ,

Diese Version behebt einen Fehler mit sekundären Eingängen in ROMs, die mithilfe der Verson v2.43 oder früher von Lunar Magic aktualisiert wurden. Auch wurden wieder einige kleine Fehler behoben – näheres in der Hilfedatei von Lunar Magic unter "What’s New".

 This version of Lunar Magic fixes an issue with secondary entrances in ROMs upgraded from version 2.43 or earlier of LM, and a few other small things. Read the "What's New" section of the help file for more details.

Lunar Magic v3.01

Wii: Update

Ein paar Fehler wurden behoben, u.a. einer, bei dem dem "No Yoshi"-Intro Tiles gefehlt haben und ein Problem mit dem Scrollen per Mausrad.

* fixed a bug from 3.00 where vertical levels with a "No Yoshi" intro would have tiles missing in the intro. Thanks goes out to Shiny Ninetales for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 3.00 where if there was only a horizontal scroll bar you couldn't use the scroll wheel to move objects backwards/forwards by one. Thanks goes out to Daizo Dee Von for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 2.41 where the warning for sprite 19 (display level message 1) could be triggered in level 0xC5 when using the "Import Multiple Levels from File" function. Thanks goes out to WhiteYoshiEgg for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug in the original game where if you placed Mario's starting position near the far right side of a horizontal level, the game would not set the initial X scroll position correctly.

Lunar Magic v3.00

Wii: Update ,

Lunar Magic ist mittlerweile 18 Jahre alt! In dieser Version wurde ein ASM-Hack integriert, der das Verstellen der Höhe von horizontalen Leveln erlaubt. Es gibt auch ein neues FG/BG Init-System mit neuen Optionen für Eingänge, Verbesserungen für den Sprite Loader (so können sich nun 128 Sprites in einem Level befinden, statt 84), Unterstützung für geheime Ausgänge 2 und 3 im Overworld-Editor und viele weitere Änderungen und Fixes.

Alle Änderungen findet ihr hier unten im recht umfangreichen Changelog oder in der Hilfe-Datei von Lunar Magic.

Lunar Magic unter Windows 10 Technical Preview


* integrated an ASM hack submitted by Vitor into LM that allows changing the height of horizontal levels, effectively making it possible to change the level dimensions. You can find the new setting controlling this in the "Change Properties in Header" dialog, along with a new * option that lets you view the full bottom row of tiles in horizontal levels.
* the sprite loader now has a cache added by Vitor to reduce the performance impact from parsing most of the sprite list to access sprites on later screens. 
* added a setting to the "Change Properties in Sprite Header" dialog to control the sprite vertical spawning range for horizontal levels and an option for smart spawning. 
* levels can now have up to 128 sprites instead of 84 for non-SA1 ROMs. 
* a limitation of the original game where sprites could not start with an FF byte has been removed (previously LM would silently move the sprite on save when it encountered this to avoid premature termination of the sprite list for the level). 
* in vertical levels most objects will no longer break up on horizontal subscreen boundaries (but they still will on vertical ones). 
* added an option for entrances to use a new FG/BG init system which can set the FG relative to the player, and calculates the BG position relative to the FG position, scroll settings, level height, and BG height. The BG height is a new setting in the "Change Other Properties" dialog, along with an option to just set the BG relative only to the FG which is meant mainly for layer 2 levels. 
* added 4 new vertical scroll settings for layer 2 (Variable 2, Variable 3, Variable 4, and Slow 2). Note that these take up slots that were previously blank (H/V Scroll of None), so you may want to double check your scroll settings in older levels. To have H/V scroll set to None, you should be using the 4th entry in the list rather than one of the later ones. 
* added a new option for entrances to have Mario face the left direction. 
* made it so that using the "Shoot From Slanted Pipe Right" entrance action combined with the "Face left" option will make Mario shoot left instead of right. 
* added a new option for midway entrances to redirect a midway entrance to another level. This allows you to have the midway entrance for an overworld level be in another level entirely. 
* added a new option for secondary entrances to make the level a water level. Note that the older option for the same thing in screen exits can also still be used. 
* added a new option for secondary entrances to exit to the overworld. You can also optionally set an exit to the overworld to pass the level with the normal/secret exit of your choice or just switch players, use a different base event when passing the level, and teleport to a different location. 
* added a new toolbar button to the overworld editor that can set secondary exit teleport locations, which uses the same table as the Star/Pipe tiles. 
* made it possible for the overworld Star/Pipe index table to hold twice as many entries (0x100), to accommodate secondary exit teleport locations. 
* made it possible to use Secret Exit 2 and Secret Exit 3 in the game. This means the overworld editor now has direction to enable settings on level tiles for both of these, and the Secret Exit 2 and Secret Exit 3 goal point tape sprites have been added to the sprite list. 
* made it possible to change level tile settings for tiles 0x82-0x86 in the overworld editor. While they can't be entered as levels, they are valid stopping points so this allows you to assign them a level number in case you want them to display a name or give them initial enabled directions. 
* moved the music and time limit settings from the "Change Properties in Header" dialog to the "Bypass Music and Time Limit Setting" dialog, then renamed the latter to "Change Music and Time Limit Settings". 
* made it so that when you copy a color to the windows clipboard in the palette editors, it will also copy the SNES RGB hex value in text to the clipboard so you can paste it into edit fields in the ExAnimated Frames dialogs. 
* added a new toolbar button to the level editor and overworld editor that will insert all GFX and ExGFX then reload the graphics. 
* added a new view menu option that allows viewing tile surfaces. This is mainly meant for showing the shape of slopes and for revealing if a tile is solid or not. 
* added a few basic command line functions for some common operations. See the technical section in the help file for more info. 
* added a new option to the overworld editor that allows disabling the Forest of Illusion ghost from being hidden until an event has been passed. Also made it so you can change the events that it gets shown on. 
* when linking star/pipe tiles, the program no longer requires that the second tile be a star/pipe tile. This makes it easier to create warps from a star/pipe tile to tiles that you can't warp from. 
* changed the Modify Screen Exits dialog to allow typing full values directly into the index combo box for faster selection. 
* changed how the "Insert Manual" dialog works for objects and sprites in the level editor. Instead of specifying X/Y and the screen number, LM will now simply insert the object or sprite near the upper left corner of the level editor window. 
* made it so that the sprite size table is loaded on level load, not just on ROM load. 
* added "Delete All" to the level editor's "Edit" menu, which was previously only available through the Ctrl+Del keyboard shortcut. 
* moved Shift+Scroll Wheel for Bring to Front/Send to Back to Ctrl+Alt+Scroll Wheel, added Ctrl+Shift+Scroll Wheel for vertical scroll, and made Shift+Scroll Wheel and Ctrl+Shift+Scroll Wheel unaffected by objects/sprites selected. 
* tweaked some code so that scroll bar thumbs are now sized proportionally more like the way you'd expect. Thanks goes out to Vitor for pointing this out. 
* fixed a bug from 2.43 where the undo/redo/F3 keys in the palette editors would not function while any other modal dialog window in the program was open at the same time. 
* fixed a crash bug from 2.30 that could occur under certain circumstances when selecting tiles in the Layer 1 Event Editor Mode of the overworld editor. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 2.30 where if you saved a level then used undo to revert a change to a secondary entrance then saved again without making any other changes to secondary entrances, LM would not save the reverted change for the secondary exit. Thanks goes out to Ramon for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 1.70 in smkdan's VRAM patch where if you rapidly scrolled past the top of the BG image (such as by setting layer 2's vertical scrolling to constant), there was a chance you could get a brief 1 frame glimpse of a couple rows of pixels at the top or bottom of the screen showing the wrong tiles. Thanks goes out to Vitor and Super Maks 64 for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 1.10 where the program would not load/save/export/import the last color of the Special World shared palettes for when Special World had been passed. Thanks goes out to yoshifanatic for reporting this. 
* corrected the description for Mario Action 7 of midway entrances to "Do Nothing or Pipe Exit Down (Water Level)" and changed how it's displayed in LM. Normally midway entrances that use this setting skip the pipe exit part. It never came up in the original SMW levels, though it seems to have been used in SMA2. However it still acts as a pipe entrance if accessed via a screen exit. To avoid confusion, it may be better to instead use the "Vertical Pipe Exit Down" action with the separate "Make this a Water Level" setting. 
* renamed Layer 1 vertical scroll setting 2 to "No Vertical Scroll at Bottom unless Flying/etc" to more accurately describe what it's for. Also adjusted the code for this setting to work for horizontal levels that have different heights and vertical levels. 
* fixed an issue in the original game where when switching between levels if you entered a level with layer 2 horizontal scrolling set to None, the layer 2 X position was carried over from the last level instead of being reset to 0 like it does when entering from the overworld. 
* fixed an issue in the original game where if a "No Yoshi" entrance intro is activated for a vertical level, the layer 2 Y position in the intro could be wrong and even possibly display garbage tiles. 
* fixed an issue in the original game where using a pipe exit at the very top of a vertical level could malfunction if Mario's Y coordinate ended up being beyond the top of the level. 
* added a fix for the original game where the sprite load status for indexes 64-127 were not cleared between sublevels, leading to some sprites not appearing if a sprite at that index was killed in another sublevel. 
* adjusted tile used for sprite 99 (Volcano Lotus) in LM so it will appear the same way in the editor as it will in the game. Thanks goes out to WhiteYoshiEgg for reporting this. 
* added a bit of info for sprite 70 (Pokey), as it can't detect if Mario is riding Yoshi if it's within spawning distance of Mario entering the level. Thanks goes out to Wiimeiser for pointing out that something was up with this.

Lunar Magic v2.53

Wii: Update , ,

Lunar Magic IconFuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor "Lunar Magic" aktualisiert.


Einige kleinere Fehler wurden behoben und ein paar Funktionen hinzugefügt. So lassen sich jetzt bspw. einfach ROMs und Paletten auf den Editor ziehen, um sie zu öffnen und Level können direkt am Startpunkt geöffnet werden.

Lunar Magic unter Windows


* fixed a bug from 2.40 with ExAnimation on the overworld where if you tried to use multiple slots for the same destination tile to do faster animations, the frames would not always appear in the order you'd expect. Thanks goes out to Noivern for reporting this. 
* if overworld ExAnimation is installed, it will also now fix a small issue present in the original game where the bottom waterfall tile animation would not consistently match up with the main waterfall tile. 
* fixed a glitch in the original game where sprite 52 (moving ledge hole) would appear in the wrong position if placed at the top of a sub-screen. Thanks goes out to Thomas for discovering this, and zacmario for reporting it. 
* fixed a minor issue from 1.70 where the timing of the victory pose at the end of the level didn't really match up to the music in non-SA1 ROMs. 
* corrected info on sprite 45 (directional coin) as it does in fact have a time/coin limit. Thanks goes out to Katerpie for reporting this. 
* replaced some non-standard apostrophe chars in some tooltips in the General Options dialog that could get displayed oddly on non-english systems. Thanks goes out to Akaginite for reporting this. 
* fixed a small issue that's been around forever where using a mouse gesture on a screen exit that goes to a vertical level did not scroll the screen for the corresponding entrance of that level into view. 
* made it possible to use Ctrl+Alt+F7 in level editor for advanced users to edit more local ExAnimation slots by sacrificing global slots (when global animations have been disabled for level/submap). 
* made it possible to use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F8 in overworld editor for advanced users to enable editing more levels and events (the game does not currently support this at the moment, so don't enable it unless you're adding your own ASM for it). 
* added the ability to drag and drop a ROM, mwl, map16, or palette file into the main level editor window to open the file. 
* made it possible to use Alt-Middle click to edit screen exits. 
* added LM_MOUSE_EDIT_SCREEN_EXIT to function names for user toolbars. 
* added an option to open levels at the main level entrance. 
* added an option to pause animations when the program loses focus. 
* added an option to display the ROM file name and path in the main window title bar.

Lunar Magic v2.52

Wii: Update ,

FuSoYa hat den Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert.


Da es wirklich SEHR lange her ist, dass ich mich mit SMW-Hacks auseinandergesetzt und ein paar Mini-Mods gemacht habe, nachfolgend ein Zitat des Entwicklers:

This release of Lunar Magic has double the space for FG and BG Map16 (meant for large scale collaborations), 16x the number of secondary exits, the ability to resize objects from top/left and related corners for most objects that support it, and a few other additions and fixes. See the "What’s New" section of the help file for more info.

Do note that if you use a third party block tool type program, you shouldn’t use the new FG tiles (0x4000-0x7FFF) in LM until your program has been updated to deal with the new max.

Lunar Magic v2.43

Wii, Wii: Update ,

FuSoYa hat an Weihnachten seinen Super Mario World Level-Editor aktualisiert.


Wenn der Paletten-Editor fokussiert ist, kann nun F3 gedrückt werden, um die Farbe des Pixels unter der Maus in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren. Rückgängig-/Wiederholen-Shortcuts wurden ebenfalls zum Paletten-Editor hinzugefügt und das Aussehen des Sprites 0x7A (Feuerwerk) wurde korrigiert. Ferner wurden eine Bugs gefixt, insbesondere in Bezug auf DPI-Virtualization ab Windows Vista.

Übrigens erschien die erste Version von Lunar Magic im September 2000!

- added a new keyboard shortcut of F3 to the palette editors to allow copying the color of any pixel on the computer screen to the windows clipboard. Note however that the palette editor must have the window focus, and it may not work on all windows or protected media. 
- enabled undo/redo keyboard shortcuts in palette editors. 
- updated filter in Add Objects window for extended object 7F (skull and crossbones) for ghost houses. Thanks goes out to imamelia for reporting this. 
- adjusted the appearance of sprite 0x7A (fireworks) in the editor to match the game. Thanks goes out to Footsteps_of_Coins for reporting this. 
- made it so that if you attempt to go past the min/max level in the level editor, it won't bother with bringing up the save dialog. Thanks goes out to Erik557 for noticing this. 
- saving level 0 or 100 to a different level number will no longer mark half the available secondary entrances as used if the "transfer secondary entrances" option was on. 
- tweaked some code to workaround coordinate rounding issues in Microsoft's DPI virtualization code that can occasionally violate ClipCursor functionality. 
- added "System DPI Aware" option to general options, to avoid DPI virtualization done by Windows Vista and later when possible.

REDThreeUp: IPS-Patcher für den 3DS veröffentlicht

3DS, 3DS: Neu , ,

LIPS-75MarcuzD hat einen IPS-Patcher mit dem Namen "REDThreeUp" für den 3DS veröffentlicht.


Mit dieser Homebrew können IPS-Patches auf ROMs angewendet werden – und das direkt auf dem 3DS! IPS-Patches werden verwendet, um ROM-Hacks legal zu verteilen, anstatt direkt illegal die ROM hochzuladen.

Die Bedienung ist ganz einfach:
Drücke X, wähle die IPS, drücke A und wähle die ROM, die du patchen möchtest, navigiere danach in den Ordner, in den die gepatchte ROM abgelegt werden soll, drücke START und gebe den Namen ein. Fertig!

Ein Demo-Video gibt es auf YouTube.

Lunar Magic v2.42

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Lunar Magic ChocoboDer Super Mario World Level-Editor Lunar Magic von FuSoYa wurde aktualisiert.


Ein Absturz aus der v2.40 im Background Layer 2 Editor wurde behoben, zudem wurden Tooltips für die Icons in den "Objekt/Sprite hinzufügen" Fenstern hinzugefügt. Mehr im Changelog.

Die erste Version von Lunar Magic erschien übrigens am 24. September 2000, das macht Lunar Magic zum ältesten Programm in unserer Datenbank!

- fixed a crash bug from 2.40 that could occur under certain circumstances with the Background Layer 2 Editor. Thanks goes out to Luks for reporting this. 
- added tooltips for the preview icons in the Add Objects/Sprites windows. 
- added 2 forest tileset specific ledge edge subobjects to the "Add Objects" list that had been overlooked. Thanks goes out to yoshifanatic for reporting this. 
- increased the tile tracking limit per object to account for largest possible DM16 size. Thanks goes out to yoshifanatic for reporting this. 
- enabled rest of SuperFX RAM remap from 2.41.