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postLoader v4.4.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

stfour hat seinen postLoader aktualisiert.


postLoader 4.4.1

* added new tag to plugin.conf to specify alternate dol search path (more info in the the file)
* removed option menu
* when a an icon is clicked, a full res cover is displayed.
* postloader binary configuration file is no more resetted if size changes
* emuBrowser: fixed filters issue if plugins.conf file is modified
* changed, again, sigh :( semaphores in covercache, hoping that this will stop occasionally hangs
* various fixs...

postLoader 4.4.0

* covers are scaled down to save memory
* added "Enable TEX cache" in "config->advanced option". If enabled a folder /ploader/tex will be created, and a rgb raw texture will be saved. 
This give a great boost on cover update speed but require up to 144Kb per covers on the device. Note that disabling it will remove all cached textures.
* covers lookup for emus is much faster

via Googlecode

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