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Schlagwort: wiimm

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.34a r5070

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - New Option --slot=keyword: Patch a track file to run at the specified slot.
   KMP and KCL may be modified. BRRES files may be added to or removed from
   SZS. The main keywords are DAISY, DESERT, SHERBET, SHYGUY, STANDARD and
   MOST. Slot numbers (except '42' or '4.2') are also accepted.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/slot for details.

 - New patch option: --https=mode: Patch the https strings of REL and DOL
   files. 'mode' is one of the following keywords:
    - RESTORE restores the original URLs and domains.
    - HTTP replace HTTPS requests by HTTP and sub-domain 'naswii.' by 'nas.'.
    - DOMAIN replace HTTPS requests by HTTP and domain 'nintendowifi.net' by
      a domain specified by the option --domain.
    - PORT1 sets the domain specified by option --domain in combination with
      ports 90-93.
    - PORT2 is like PORT1, but it uses 'mariokartwii.DOMAIN' to replace the
      'mariokartwii.race.gs.nintendowifi.net' domain.

 - New patch option: --domain=dom: Define a domain for option --https. The
   default domain is 'wiimmfi.de'.

Wiimms Mario Kart Retro 2014-02

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Wiimm hat eine neue Retro-Ausgabe seiner Mario Kart Distribution veröffentlicht!


Die letzte Retro-Ausgabe erschien im Oktober 2012, nun schlägt Wiimm mit 160 Strecken zurück! Diese Ausgabe enthält alle Wii-, DS-, Nintendo Gamecube-, Nintendo 64-, Gameboy Advance- und SNES-Strecken aus Mario Kart! Eine Liste aller Strecken findet ihr hier!

Wiimms Mario Kart ist ein Hack von Mario Kart Wii mit vielen neuen Strecken, die von der Community erstellt wurden.

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.32a r4958

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Wiimm hat wieder seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - wszst+wbmgt: Options --color and --no-color have new meanings (see next
   point). Instead of the old option --no-color, there is a new option named
   --no-bmg-color to suppress '\c{color}' escape sequences of BMG files.

 - New global options for all tools: Option --color forces colorized text. It
   is enabled by default for output to terminals. Option --no-color disables
   colorized text at all. At the moment only the commands COLORS, CHECK and
   SLOTS support colorized text.

 - New command: COLORS: Test colorized text by printing it in different modes
   (colors, bold, underline). Also test the options --color and --no-color.

 - Bug fix: A patched BMG file was not marked as dirty (and not written), if
   only some characters in the second half of the string are modified and the
   length don't change (compared N bytes and not N words).

 - Bug fix: wstrt patch --region=name: New assignment of region names to
   region numbers: 0=Japan, 1=America, 2=Europe, 3=Australia, ...

 - KMP/STGI: Support of the last 2 bytes as `speed modifier':
    - On output, the factor is appended as comment.
    - On input, a floating point number instead 2 single bytes is accepted
      as speed mulitplier. The floating point number is rounded to the nearest
      possible number (16 bit cut float with only 7 bits for the mantissa).

 - New option for tools wszst and wkmpt: --speed-mod=factor: Define a speed
   modifier and patch KMP files.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.27a r4908

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat wieder einmal seine ISO-Tools aktualisiert.


 - Bug fix: If extracting a GameCube image, files larger than 4 MiB are
   damaged at beginning of this 4 MiB offset.

 - New feature: If creating a GCZ image, a blockwise z-compression is tried.
   If the compressed data is larger than 98.5%, the uncompressed data is
   stored. New is, that encrypted blocks are stored directly as uncompressed
   data, because encrypted are very bad compression candidates and the 98.5%
   test fails all the time. This makes GCZ creation faster. The new option
   --gcz-zip disables this optimization for encrypted data.

 - New option: --gcz-block=size: Define the block size for GCZ creation. The
   default size is 16K (also Dolphins default).

 - Tool 'wdf' supports info dumps of GCZ files to verify the GCZ creation.

 - New command for wit+wwt: FEATURES: Print a list of supported features. The
   output is machine readable. Scripts may use "wit features -qq" and check
   the exit status.

Quelle: wit.wiimm.de

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.26a r4863 und Wiimms SZS Tools v1.31b r4841

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine ISO- & SZS-Tools aktualisiert!

Download: Wiimms ISO ToolsWiimms SZS Tools

Wiimms ISO Tools
 - Bug fix: Because of a bug after implementing the auto split detection,
   reading source images failed, if using stdin for parameters.

 - Support for Dolphins file format GCZ (GameCube Zip):
    - All commands detect and accept GCZ files as input file.
    - Creating of GCZ files is also supported, but EXPERIMENTAL until final
      tests have been done.
    - New option --gcz force GCZ output.
    - Patching of GCZ files is not possible, because the GCZ file structure
      doesn't allow modifications (size of compressed data must not change).
    - Composing an image to a GCZ file is not possible, because it needs
      patching checksums and header after writing the complete image.
   The GCZ support is very new, so please use it only with backups of your
   images and don't be anger, if it destroy something.
Wiimms SZS Tools
 - KCL bug fix: Creating and managing the flag file failed sometimes.

Quelle: wit.wiimm.de und szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms Mario Kart Fun 2014-01

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat zum neuen Jahr eine neue Version seines Mario Kart Wii Hacks "Wiimms Mario Kart Fun" veröffentlicht!


Insgesamt gibt es 23 neue Strecken, die 4 Strecken ersetzen (eine wurde endgültig entfernt) und 17 aktualisierte Strecken. Insgesamt gibt es in dieser Ausgabe 152 Strecken plus 32 originale Nintendo-Strecken, was insgesamt 184 Strecken macht – das sind 24 mehr Strecken als in der vorherigen Ausgabe! Man kann damit sogar mit der speziellen Region 123 online spielen!

Fahrt auf keinen Fall einen Grand Prix durch oder spielt ein Battle! Sonst wird euer Spielstand irreparabel beschädigt! “Versus”-Rennen könnt ihr aber fahren! Am besten stellt ihr im Patcher ein eigenes Savegame ein!

Quelle: Tockdom.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.29a r4788

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert!


 - Command 'wkmpt COBJECT' was renamed to the more intuitive name
   'wkmpt DRAW'. The old command name can still be used.

 - Option --draw has now a short twin: -w

 - Option --draw supports the new keyword SOLIDOBJECTS: Draw all solid objects
   without any route as a blue octahedron. At the moment, the native object
   size, scaling and rotation are ignored.

 - Command 'wkmpt DRAW --draw ITEMBOXES' draws itemboxes like in-game as a
   grey cube with a vertex down. The color for itemboxes with special items
   for players or enemies is dark grey.

 - New KCL script functions: tri$createOctahedron(), tri$createAntiPrism()
   and tri$createAntiArrow().

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.28a r4771

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - There was a disorder using the escape sequences '%E' and '%T' for file extensions/types. '%E' included a leading point, '%T' only sometimes.
Henceforth both will include then leading '.' or are empty, if no file extension is available. So the earlier '%N.%T' becomes '%N%T'.

 - Command wkmpt COBJECT will now also draw the start position with area, the respawn positions with area, the POTI routes and standard itemboxes. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/draw for details.

 - Command wkmpt COBJECT: Check points with quadrilateral warnings are drawn in red. This option can be disabled by --draw=-warn.

 - New KMP check: Test, if all enemy and item root points are inside of at least one convex check point quadrilateral.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.27a r4742

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,


Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


szs v1.27a r4742 - 2013-11-24
- Bug fix: Occasional a triangle was marked as invalid by mistake, if it was inserted by the script function tri$create() (option --kcl-script).
- Minimap fixing: From now the minmum and maximum values of the MDL.s1 root are set too.
- KMP check: A test added, which controls, that the check points are not to near together and that they build convex quadrilaterals. See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/check#desc for check details.
- KMP check: Some WARNINGS are HINTS now.
- New transformation option: --tform-script=script The script is loaded and a macro is called for every vertex. So it is possible to add user defined and also non linear transformations. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/tform-script for details.
- New parser functions: status(), len2(), hlen2(), sideOfLine(), ptInConvexPolygon(), ptsInConvexTri(), ptsInConvexQuad(). See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/functions#desc for details.

szs v1.26a r4726 - 2013-11-10
- Bug fix: A patched file was not marked as dirty (and not written), if only BMG was patched and only with modes 'ID' or 'ID-ALL'.
- New option --export (-X): Enable the export modus and create small and machine readable text files for easy post processing. The option works similar like -HBB for KMP and like -HBl11 for BMG text files.
- Windows version only: Update to Cygwin v1.7.25. I hope that it fixes the bug that occurred during creation of MKW-Fun 2013-10 with Windows 8.1.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.25a r4715

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - New KMP command for CKPT, ENPT and ITPT: $SPLIT: Split the group into 2 or
   more peaces. See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kmp/syntax#ckpt-grp for details.

 - New KMP parameter for ENPT and ITPT: @AUTO-FILL: Add additional points if
   the distance between points is smaller than the defined value.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kmp/syntax#enpt-par for details.

 - KMP compiler: New snap variant to define x- and y-rotation.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/kmp/snap for details.

 - Command 'wkmpt COBJECT' accepts now option --kcl-script to filter the
   exported OBJ file.

 - Some small fixes for tool wctct.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.24a r4703

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,


 - Bug fix for wctct: Winning + losing ceremony after GP enabled.

 - wctct: More possible names for music and property ids.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/slot-id for details.

 - Transforming complete tracks: VRCORN will now patched by default, if not
   excluded by option --patch-file=list.

 - Linux 'make': LIBPNG will be linked as static library, if available.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.23a r4682

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert!


 - Exported BMG text files will now show all characters of the Unicode Basic
   Multilingual Plane (BMP; codes <=0xfffd) without escape sequences. New is,
   that surrogates and private ranges are always printed as escape sequences.

 - New options for BMG text output: --color and --no-color: If enabled, colors
   are printed as new escape sequence "\c{color}". 'color' is eihter a known
   color name or a hex number with 4 digits. At the moment, --no-color is
   the default to avoid problems with old versions and other externl tools.
   In 2014 --color shall become the default. However, the BMG text scanner
   accepts the new escape sequence from now and independent of these options.

 - New modes for option --patch-bmg: 'ID', 'ID-ALL', 'CT-COPY' and 'CT-FILL'.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/patch-bmg for details.

 - New command: wstrt DUMP: Dump the data structure of DOL files as text.

 - wstrt ANALYSE: Analyse DOL files and compare them section by section with
   the orginal main.dol file of MKWii.

 - New command: wstrt EXTRACT: Extract the sections of a DOL file into a
   directory. StaticR.rel files are ignored.

 - New global option: --ctcode: Enable the CT-CODE modus of the tools.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/ctcode for details and about CT-CODE.

 - wstrt PATCH --add-ctcode: Add CT-CODE to original main.dol files.

 - New tool: wctct: Manage CT-CODE. See http://szs.wiimm.de/wctct and
   http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/ctcode for details.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.22a r4602

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - The Windows installer will now force type REG_EXPAND_SZ for path variables.

 - New commmand: wbmgt MIX: Works like CAT, but combines all input files.

 - Exported BMG text files will now show all characters of the Unicode Basic
   Multilingual Plane (BMP; codes <=0xfffd) without escape sequences.

 - Tool wbmgt: Option --single-line supports now 2 levels and option --brief
   3 levels. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/wbmgt/single-line and
   http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/wbmgt/brief for details.

 - New option: wszst --patch-bmg: Patch BMG sub files directly. There is no
   more need to extract BMG files before patching.

 - New option for tools wszst and wbmgt: --msg=list: If set, the BMG messages
   are filtered by this list. Only enabled messages are exported to the ouput
   BMG file (binary or text).

 - If an archive (SZS,...) is found while reading a BMG file, the archive is
   searched for BMG sub files and found sub files together are used as BMG

 - wstrt can now detect main.dol files and its type (PAL, USA, JAP or KOR).

 - Option --kmp accepts now the keywords 1LAP, 2LPAS ... 9LAPS to modify the
   first byte of KMP/STGI (numer of laps). This first byte has only impact on
   patched main.dol files.

Quelle: Offizielle Website

Wiimms SZS Tools v2.1a r4578

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert!


 - Improved built-in help system. Type e.g. "wszst help help" or visit
   http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/help for details.

 - New keyword for option --kmp: FORCE: Ignore little repairable file structure
   issues on reading KMP files. Works like --force, but only for KMP files.

 - Bug fix: The check for the right position of all KMP sections failed.

 - Optimized handling for SZS sub files with 'out of range offsets'.

 - wszst: Option --auto-add can now be used together with the commands PATCH

 - Bug fix: Wrong calculation of parent directory index in U8 header fixed.
   This bug existed from the beginning of the SZS tools and it seems, that it
   had no impact for running a track or for other tools. However, the positive
   impact is, that the creation of the files Track.szs, Race.szs and the other
   language independent SZS files of MKWii directory './Scene/UI' works now.

Quelle: Offizielle Webseite