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Schlagwort: wiixplorer

WiiXplorer r259

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , , ,

dimok hat seinen WiiXplorer aktualisiert.



- updated some new language files

- added a setting for overriding priiloader on exit to menu (default ON)
- increased max. allow characters in application config path (internal use)
- changed rumble to be disabled by default because it is annoying
- some clean ups

- added resample to 48 kHz option for sounds other than the native 32 or 48 kHz
of the Wii (only 16bit stereo). This improves sound quality for 44.1 kHz musics.
Simple and fast linear interpolation. Can be disabled in settings if unwanted
(default on).
- resampled default background music of the application from 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz.
- fix not working "use both USB" option when mount nand setting is set to off

via Googlecode

WiiXplorer r256

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

dimok hat seinen WiiXplorer aktualisiert.


U.a. wurde die Video-Abspielfunktion im WiiMC, ein Memory Leak, der Musikplayer und die Pfadkonfiguration gefixt.

- fix crash when starting a movie with WiiMC (it is still not supported on WiiMC
side though. Only MPlayerCE fully works.)
- fix of possible memory leak on new homebrew launch procedure
- fix garbled path configuration. the user input is taken as is now for every
path. ( issue 527 )
- display bug fix when sliding out music player with opened play list
- update progress total value on calculating the transfer/delete size so that
the user doesn't get the feeling it freezes on large directories

via GoogleCode Mit einem Klick auf diesen Link verlässt du die WiiDatabase

WiiXplorer r254

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

Dimok hat den WiiXplorer aktualisiert!


Es wurden nur Optimierungen an USB-Tastaturen vorgenommen.

- fix modifier keys of external keyboard that got broken in r253 (capslock,
shift, num...)
- changed rescan interval for new external keyboard to 3 secs instead of 30s if
no usb keyboard is connected yet
- removed de-initialization of usb keyboard on application exit which causes a
crash (workaround for now, has to be addressed later)

via GoogleCode Mit einem Klick auf diesen Link verlässt du die WiiDatabase

WiiXplorer Beta r248

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

dimok hat den WiiXplorer aktualisiert.


- added setting for write access on the NAND mount in boot settings menu. This
setting is not stored and reverts to OFF on each restart of the application. You
should only use this if you know exactly what you are doing.
- fix loading the tooltip delay setting on startup
- update language files

WiiXplorer Beta r245

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

dimok hat eine neue WiiXplorer Beta veröffentlicht!




- real fix for update function



- fixed problem with some devices and mounting USB on startup (big thanks to
nibb for doing all the tests)
- use same keyboard code for text editor and other on screen keyboard usages
- fixed update procedure
- added auto scroll to text position if the text pointer is expected to be
"under" on screen keyboard
- fixed pointer display in none text editor on screen keyboards
- language files are now merged with current revision



- fixed problem with some devices and mounting USB on startup (big thanks to
nibb for doing all the tests)
- use same keyboard code for text editor and other on screen keyboard usages
- fixed update procedure
- added auto scroll to text position if the text pointer is expected to be
"under" on screen keyboard
- fixed pointer display in none text editor on screen keyboards
- language files are now merged with current revision
