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Schlagwort: tools

GodMode9 v1.8.0

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,


GodMode9 ist mehr als nur ein Dateimanager mit vollständigem Zugriff auf das Dateisystem. Es ist das Schweizer Taschenmesser unter den 3DS-Tools!

GodMode9 wird drei Jahre alt und feiert über eine Million Downloads alleine von GitHub! Neu in dieser Version ist ein CIA-Checker, der Informationen zu CIAs anzeigt und diese auf Richtigkeit und Legitimität überprüfen kann. Des Weiteren können BOSS-Dateien (SpotPass) geprüft und gefixt, sowie das RomFS in einer NCCH verifiziert werden. DSiWare NDS-Dateien lassen sich außerdem in CIAs umwandeln.

Die Cartridge-ID und der Typ werden beim Gamecart-"Laufwerk" angezeigt und die Anzahl der Fenster wurde auf drei erhöht. Auch wurde die Verifikation von CFAs (DLCs, Game Manuals, etc.) und NCSDs behoben. Wie immer wurden auch wieder einige kleinere Fehler behoben, insbesondere im GM9Megascript.

Für neues zum Scripting-Support seht den Changelog unten.

* [new] CIA Checker tool gives insights into any CIA file provided
* [new] DSiWare NDS files can be converted to CIA
* [new] Offer fixing for BOSS files on failed verification
* [improved] Switched from Thumb to ARM and enabled LTO (may or may not improve performance)
* [improved] Full verification for RomFS inside NCCH
* [improved] Added a prompt when building CIA with a private legit ticket
* [improved] Cart id and type is shown on gamecart drive
* [improved] Number of explorer panes increased to 3
* [fixed] Proper verification of CFA images (also fixes NCSD verification)
* [fixed] Proper handling for incomplete DLC CIAs
* [fixed] Some minor bugs in the GM9 Megascript (thanks @annson24)
* [fixed] Countless other minor bug fixes and improvements
* [scripting] textview command for viewing text files
* [scripting] dumptxt command for dumping text to a file
* [scripting] extrcode and cmprcode commands (to extract and compress .code, thanks @Hyarion-SS )
* [scripting] cp -p allows appending a file to another (thanks @Hyarion-SS)
* [scripting] filesel -x and dirsel -x enable a new file selector style (thanks @windows-server-2003)

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.40a r6162

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools wieder aktualisiert.


Die Änderungen seht ihr im Changelog.

- wstrt: The region is now patched at 4 places at StaticR.rel for versus races and at 4 other places for battles. Versus and battle can be patched to different regions.

- BMG: Each BMG string has an additional 32-bit value. In old versions, a value different from 0x01000000 is printed as separate line using the format 'NAME ~ VALUE'. With this version, also a combiantion of value and string is possible. The new format is: NAME [value_vector] = STRING'. At scanning, both formats are accepted.
- The new option --bmg-inline selects the new inline format for output. It will be the default in the future.
- The new option --no-bmg-inline selects the old separate line format for output. At the moment it is the default for compatibility reasons.

- Full support of PAT0 binary and text files including decoding and encoding:
- 2 models for text output are used. SIMPLE for all standard PAT0 files and COMPLEX for PAT0 with extended features (e.g. multiple animations).
- The internal parser is used for scanning text files (SIMPLE and COMLEX).
- New tool 'wpatt': Wiimms PAT Tool: Decode and encode PAT0 files.
- Tool 'wszst' decodes on extract and encodes on archive creation if the text file was touched.
- The new option --pat=list defines global options for PAT processing.

- Support of PACK archives (list, extract and create).
- New option --pack: Force a PACK archive on CREATE.
- New option --align-pack=size: Define the alignment for PACK sub-files.

- The tools of the Linux distributions are compiled now with static libraries to improve the compatibility with various Linux systems.

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.38a r6056

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


Es wurden einige neue Kommandos und Optionen hinzugefügt und das Tool WSZST wurde erweitert. Näheres im Changelog.


- Tools WSZST contains now all other tools. It can be called in the usual way or as tool wrappers. See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/wrapper for details. 
- wkmpt DRAW: If the drawing of itemboxes or other solid objects is enabled,the routes of movable itemboxes or other solid objects are drawn too.
- Two new keywords for option --patch-bmg defined:
- CT-FORCE-COPY: Copy all standard track and arena name messages to MID 4000..4029 and overwrite existing strings.
- RM-CUPS: Remove racing cup names (MID 23f0..23f7) from BMG.
- New keyword for option --msg=list: CTTRACKS enables the messages for the CT-CODE track names (MID 4000..40ff).
 - New option wctct --write-tracks=file : Create a machine readable file reflecting the track distribution to the cups. --wtracks is a short cut.
- New option wctct --order-by=bmg : Load the BMG file and filter track names. Then order the tracks in the cups by the alphabetic order of the BMG messages. The tracks and its slots are notmodified.
- New option wctct --order-all : Option --order-by will order all tracks.
- New command wctct PATCH : Read each source file, find and scan the CT-CODE part and patch it.
- New command wctct TRACKS: Create a track listing.

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.30a r5771

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine ISO-Tools aktualisiert.


Die Extraktion von Gamecube-Spielen wurde gefixt, WDF wurde auf Version 2 aktualisiert. Das WDFv2-Format wird nun auch für SKELETON benutzt, das Kommando unterstützt nun auch Gamecube-Images. Zu guter Letzt wurde Cygwin für Windows aktualisiert.

- Bug fix for GameCube extracts: The alignments in file 'align-files.txt' were too large by a factor of 4.
- WDF version 2 is now the default WDF version. Use --wdf1 to force v1.
- With v2.21a (June 2013) the default output file format was switched from WDF to WBFS. This new default was also used for the SKELETON command. Now the much more efficient WDFv2 is used as default for skeletons.
- Command SKELETON supports now GameCube images.
- Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.32 2014-08-13.

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.35a r5184 und Wiimms ISO Tools v2.29a r5186

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine Tools aktualisiert! Diese bringen hauptsächlich Veränderungen für die Wiimmfi-Connection.

Download Wiimms SZS Tools
Download Wiimms ISO Tools

Wiimms SZS Tools
 - Two more modes for option --https:
    - SAKE0: Same as DOMAIN, but don't replace URLs with SAKE domain.
    - SAKE1: Same as SAKE0, but replace HTTPS of SAKE domains.

 - New option: wstrt --wiimmfi: Patch the files for the new custom server.
   It is a short cut for '{--https=domain --domain=wiimmfi.de}'.
Wiimms ISO Tools
 - New patching options to support the new custom server:
   - Option --http: Replace 'https' request to 'http' in the files 'main.dol'
     and 'rel/StaticR.rel'.
   - Option --domain=dom: Replace 'nintendowifi.net' by the new domain.
   - Option --wiimmfi: Patch the images for the new custom server. It is a
     short cut for: --http --domain=wiimmfi.de

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.28a r4980 und Wiimms SZS Tools v1.33a r4983

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS- und ISO-Tools aktualisiert.

Download ISO-Tools

Download SZS-Tools

Wiimms ISO Tools
 - Full WDF version 2 support:
    - WDFv2 files are a little bit smaller and support alignment.
    - Parts of the WDF library have been rewritten to support WDFv2 and
      alignment. A side effect is a more compact code and a better chunk
      management if modifiying WDF files.
    - Option --wdf forces WDF output, the version is definied automatically.
    - Option --wdf1 forces WDFv1 output.
    - Option --wdf2 forces WDFv2 output.
    - Option --align-wdf defines an alignment between 1 and 1GiB (power of 2)
      and optional the minimal hole size before creating a new chunk.
    - 'wit EDIT' supports --wdf1 and --wdf2 to allow version conversions.
   For technical details about WDF see: http://wit.wiimm.de/WDF

 - Support of split files of CleanRip: If reading a plain ISO file named
   '*.part0', the other parts are detected as continuation files.

 - Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.28 2014-02-09.
Wiimms SZS Tools
 - Colorized patch log.

 - New Command: wszst COPY source dest: COPY is an alternative command for
   copying and pathing files. It uses the same internal procedure as command
   PATCH, but has another command line syntax.

 - New mode for option --kmp: FIX-CKJGPT: Fix invalid links to respawn points.

 - wszst CHECK: Test geometry of images:
    - Warnings about invalid images with zero width or height.
    - Warnings about images with width or height not power of 2.
    - Hints about images with width or height >1024.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/check#testlist for details.

 - wszst CHECK: Count and warn about the number of vertices in MDL files
   of 'course_model.brres', 'map_model.brres' and 'vrcorn_model.brres',
   and about the total of all MDL files.

 - New KMP checks for wszst+wkmpt CHECK:
    - STGI: Print modified lap counter.
    - STGI: Print invalid start position or mode.
    - STGI: Print defined speed modifier.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/check#testlist for details.

 - The tools 'wkclt' and 'wbmgt' accept the literal "0" as source filename for
   an empty file (like "-" for stdin).

 - Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.28 2014-02-09.

Quelle: wit.wiimm.de & szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.27a r4908

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat wieder einmal seine ISO-Tools aktualisiert.


 - Bug fix: If extracting a GameCube image, files larger than 4 MiB are
   damaged at beginning of this 4 MiB offset.

 - New feature: If creating a GCZ image, a blockwise z-compression is tried.
   If the compressed data is larger than 98.5%, the uncompressed data is
   stored. New is, that encrypted blocks are stored directly as uncompressed
   data, because encrypted are very bad compression candidates and the 98.5%
   test fails all the time. This makes GCZ creation faster. The new option
   --gcz-zip disables this optimization for encrypted data.

 - New option: --gcz-block=size: Define the block size for GCZ creation. The
   default size is 16K (also Dolphins default).

 - Tool 'wdf' supports info dumps of GCZ files to verify the GCZ creation.

 - New command for wit+wwt: FEATURES: Print a list of supported features. The
   output is machine readable. Scripts may use "wit features -qq" and check
   the exit status.

Quelle: wit.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.28a r4771

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - There was a disorder using the escape sequences '%E' and '%T' for file extensions/types. '%E' included a leading point, '%T' only sometimes.
Henceforth both will include then leading '.' or are empty, if no file extension is available. So the earlier '%N.%T' becomes '%N%T'.

 - Command wkmpt COBJECT will now also draw the start position with area, the respawn positions with area, the POTI routes and standard itemboxes. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/draw for details.

 - Command wkmpt COBJECT: Check points with quadrilateral warnings are drawn in red. This option can be disabled by --draw=-warn.

 - New KMP check: Test, if all enemy and item root points are inside of at least one convex check point quadrilateral.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v2.1a r4578

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert!


 - Improved built-in help system. Type e.g. "wszst help help" or visit
   http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/help for details.

 - New keyword for option --kmp: FORCE: Ignore little repairable file structure
   issues on reading KMP files. Works like --force, but only for KMP files.

 - Bug fix: The check for the right position of all KMP sections failed.

 - Optimized handling for SZS sub files with 'out of range offsets'.

 - wszst: Option --auto-add can now be used together with the commands PATCH

 - Bug fix: Wrong calculation of parent directory index in U8 header fixed.
   This bug existed from the beginning of the SZS tools and it seems, that it
   had no impact for running a track or for other tools. However, the positive
   impact is, that the creation of the files Track.szs, Race.szs and the other
   language independent SZS files of MKWii directory './Scene/UI' works now.

Quelle: Offizielle Webseite

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.20a r4548

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - New Option for wszst and wimgt: --smart:
   If resizing an image, use the new smart resize function. The new function
   is much slower (factor 2-4) than the old function, but creates much better
   resized images. This is only relevant for creating mimaps with odd width

 - Support of original SketchUp OBJ exporter, see next 2 points for details:

 - More tolerant detection of Wavefront OBJ files. Export of the original
   SketchUp exporter will be recognized as 'SKPOBJ' instead of 'WAVOBJ'.

 - New --kcl flags: 'G' and 'USEMTL': If scanning an OBJ file, these flags
   decides, which OBJ commands will define groups. If none is set (default)
   'USEMTL' is used for files of type 'SKPOBJ' and 'G' for all others.

 - Command 'wkclt CFF' accepts now option --brief to suppress the comment
   '# f(type,variant)' and option --long to force a '= f(type,variant)'

 - Suppress some patch logging messages for CHECK commands.

 - CHECK KMP: If option --long is set, print some additional statistics.

 - Some error messages are more exact now.

 - Bug fix: If using options --test and --remove together, the destination
   file was removed sometimes (but not created).

 - New patching option: --tform-kmp=list: Fine control about the sections
   and objects (position, rotation or scale vector), that are transformed.
   See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/tform-kmp for details.

 - Windows only: Cygwin update to v1.7.20 2013-06-07.

via szs.wiimm.de

Wiimms ISO Tools v2.21b r4492

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Wiimm hat schon Anfang Mai angekündigt, dass WIT&WWT eingestellt wird und es nur noch Bugfixes geben wird – doch er scheint sich selbst nicht daran halten zu können. Im Release v2.21a r4489 wurde ein neues nützlicher Kommando für Riivolution hinzugefügt – geht einfach mal den Changelog durch! Natürlich wurde auch noch viel mehr getan!


v2.21b r4492
- Bug fix: wit DOLPATCH: Reading 'offset' failed on 32 bit systems.

v2.21a r4489
 - The default image format switched from WDF to WBFS. This is only relevant,
   if no image type is specified by source, option or file extension, for
   example for the command "wwt EXTRACT".

 - wit DUMP --long: If dumping a DOL file, a third table with delta values
   between the virtual address and the file offset is printed.

 - New command: wit DOLPATCH: Patch a DOL file by reading a Riivolution XML
   file and scanning all memory tags.
   -> Read http://wit.wiimm.de/cmd/wit/dolpatch for details.

 - If extracting an image, the file 'setup.txt' contains now a new parameter:
   "image-type = TYPE". It shows the image type of the source image.
   If cretaing an image and file 'setup.txt' contains this paramater with a
   valid image type, this image type is used as default for the new created
   image. The default is superseded by format options and file extensions.
     This feature is dedicated to patching scripts. If an original image is
   extracted with "wit extract -1n ANYID6 . WORKDIR --psel data" and then
   patched, an image with identical image type as the original can be created
   by the command: wit copy WORKDIR %x --id NEWID6 --name "new title of game"

 - For easier script/batch support, the files "setup.sh" and "setup.bat" are
   created for extracted images. They contain similar info as "setup.txt", but
   can be directly included by ". ./PATH/setup.sh" or  "CALL PATH\setup.bat"
   to get the settings as script variables.

 - Cygwin (Windows) DDLs updated.

 - Title data base updated.

via wit.wiimm.de

Wiimms SZS Tools v1.19a r4461

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


Es hat sich massig viel getan. Werft am besten selbst einen Blick in den Changelog 😉

 - wszst CHECK: Check existence of minimap bones 'posLD' and 'posRU'.
   Read http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/check#desc for a list of all tests.

 - Check commands: KMP objects with presence flag == 0 will be handled as
   non existent. This changes the missing files status and the slot proposals.

 - KCL type names synchchronized to Wiki.

 - Bug fix: If a function was searched and a const was defined with the same
   name, a `segmentation fault| (or similar) occured.

 - New command: wkmpt STARTPOS: Print the start positions of players in
   various formats. See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/startpos for details.

 - Patching option --kmp accepts now the keywords LEFT, RIGHT, WIDE and NARROW
   to modify the start options in section STGI.

 - New global option --de: Use german track and arena names.

 - Command FILETYPE --long: Column with version of file format added.

 - wszst EXTRACT/CREATE: The version number of the archive file format is
   stored in and read from the help file 'wszst-setup.txt' to support version
   dependent file formats.

    - Version numbers are printed in listings with version support.
    - The file format version number is written to 'wszst-setup.txt' on
      extracting and read from read from 'wszst-setup.txt' on creating.
    - The default aligning for BREFT files depends now on the version number.
      It is 0x20 for versions 9 (NSMB=11).
      At the moment the new alignment for NSMB is not well tested!

via szs.wiimm.de