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Schlagwort: snes

SNES9X GX v4.3.2 Mod

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Zopenko hat eine Modifikation von SNES9X GX veröffentlicht.


Diese Version unterstützt die Bilder-Vorschau von Cebolleto’s Mod und den Wii U Pro Controller. Ferner gibt es nun einen Scanline-Filter (unter Video-Optionen, Video-Modus muss auf Progressie gesetzt sein, Filter ist etwas fehlerhaft) und einen Knopf für Screenshots (der Ordner screenshots muss bereits existieren und die Video-Skalierung muss auf Standard gesetzt sein).

snes9x image preview

* Version 4.3.2 as base.
* Added Cebolleto's preview image support.
* Added WiiUPro controller support.
* Added a Scanline filter option (under the video options, video mode must be set to progressive, filter is kinda buggy)
* Increase preview image size and reduce game list width.
* Added a background to the preview image.
* Added a Screenshot button (under the game settings options, the video scaling option must be set to default otherwise screenshot looks smaller and with black borders around it, also screenshot folder must already exist otherwise a folder error will popup).
* Added a "WiiuPro" button on the button mapping menu, the options is just for completeness, since the controller mappings are shared between the wiiupro and the classic controller.
* Fixed the inverted color button selection that was in some option windows in version 4.3.2.

blargSnes v1.3 – SNES-Emulator für den 3DS

3DS, Wii: Update ,

StapleButter hat seinen ersten SNES-Emulator für den 3DS aktualisiert.


Die Geschwindigkeit wurde durch Geometrie-Shader verbessert und der Hardware-Renderer hat einige Fixes verpasst bekommen. Die Soundqualität sollte nun viel besser sein und es gibt zwei Skaliermodi: 4:3 und abgeschnittenes 4:3. ROMs können nun aus jedem Verzeichnis ausgewählt werden und zu guter Letzt wurde die Open-Bus-Emulation verbessert.

* Usage of geometry shaders and other speedups to rendering
* Hardware renderer: offset-per-tile, hi-res modes, and more fixes by DiscostewSM
* Much better sound quality, support for noise, echo and pitch modulation (thanks DiscostewSM again)
* Two added scaling modes: 4:3 and cropped 4:3
* Better open-bus emulation, and ability to execute code in open-bus regions (fixes Home Alone)
* Overall more accurate timings, IRQ fixes, etc
* ROM selector is no longer locked to the /snes folder
* the usual forgotten novelties, surprise

blargSnes v1.2

3DS, Wii: Update ,

Der SNES-Emulator für den 3DS "blargSnes" wurde auf Version 1.2 aktualisiert.


Es gibt jetzt einen brandneuen Renderer, der die Hardware nutzt. Support für das Skalieren wurde hinzugefügt, es gibt einen "Beenden" Button (für den Homebrew Launcher gedacht), weitere Emulations-Fixes, Support für de 256×239-Modus, richtigen PAL-Support (nutzt jetzt PAL-Timing), Versuche, die GPU nicht einzufrieren, Synchronous SPC700 Support und weitere Bugfixes und Perfomance-Verbesserungen.

Version 1.2:
* Brand new hardware-accelerated renderer
* Scaling support
* Exit button (mainly for use with the Homebrew Launcher)
* Emulation fixes (namely, huge 'next EXP' in Earthbound is fixed)
* Support for the 256x239 mode
* Proper PAL support (actually uses PAL timings)
* Tries to prevent GPU freezes
* Synchronous SPC700 (fixes issues but also causes a little slowdown)
* As usual, more crap I forgot about. Hah.

blargSnes v1.1

3DS, Wii: Update ,

blargSnes, der erste SNES-Emulator für den 3DS wurde aktualisiert.


Man kann jetzt HOME drücken, den 3DS öffnen und schließen und mit dem 3D-Slider rumspielen, ohne, dass es Grafikfehler gibt. Wenn man SELECT drückt, während das Spiel pausiert ist, kann man jetzt ein anderes Spiel auswählen. Drückt man während der Pause L + R wird ein Screenshot auf der SD-Karte gespeichert. Es wurden einige Grafikfehler und Bugs gefixt und die allgemeine Perfomance verbessert. VSync wird jetzt z.B. unterstützt.

* No more garbled/blank screens or freezes when pressing Home or closing/reopening the 3DS or playing with the 3D slider
* Ability to run a new game without restarting blargSnes
* Screenshot function
* Support for external borders
* Support for backgrounds with 16x16 tiles. Super Bomberman games are finally playable.
* Brightness, color math (blending) and windows added. Many games look nicer this way.
* Several PPU speedups
* Speedhacking disabled (it was error-prone, not that efficient, and broke HDMA)
* Replaced forced 1/2 frameskip with automatic frameskipper (isn't perfect, though)
* More stable display (although tearing still occurs when frameskipping), VSync
* More things I forgot about. Surprise!

blargSnes v1.0 – erster SNES-Emulator für den 3DS

3DS, 3DS: Neu ,

Nach dem ersten 3DS-NES-Emulator folgt nun ein SNES-Emulator! StapleButter hat blargSNES veröffentlicht.


Die Qualität ist nicht perfekt und es gibt noch keinen Sound, aber es ist ein Anfang. Erstellt einen Ordner "snes" auf der SD-Karte (die SD vom 3DS, nicht die Micro-SD der Gateway) und legt eure SNES-ROMs dort ab.

Man kann pausieren, wenn man den Touchscreen berührt, zurück kommt man mit A und B gleichzeitig. Man sollte zuerst pausieren und dann kann man ins HOME-Menü gehen.


* PPU modes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
* DMA (mit schnelleren Pfaden für VRAM/CGRAM/OAM), HDMA
* SPC700
* SRAM mit auto-speichern.
* Steuerkreuz für Spiler 1 (Circle Pad funktioniert auch)

Danke an den "Centzilius" für den Hinweis!

RetroArch Wii v1.0.0.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Das Team rund um RetroArch hat den Mutli-System-Emulator wieder aktualisiert.


Beim Nintendo 64 Emulator wurde ein Audio-Bug in "Star Wars" gefixxt. Außerdem wurden wieder einige Bugs und Memory leaks gefixt.

Fix audio float overflow bugs – fixes Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer, Tsumi to Batsu/Sin and Punishment (on PC)
(iOS) Added hack to assem_arm.c’s “verify_dirty” return function to make GoldenEye work
Alternate controls work differently now – you start with Original controls – press ‘Select’ to toggle ‘Alternate Controls’
(Core) Added MusyX ucode for RSP HLE – fixes sound in these games – affects games like Hydro Thunder, Gauntlet Legends, Biohazard 2/Resident Evil 2, etc. Graphics in Resident Evil 2 still messed up though with RSP HLE – change to CXD4 RSP for now to render the graphics accurately.
(Core) Other incidental changes.
(Core) Some preliminary work on getting graphics to show up in Conker’s Bad Fur Day for glN64

Memory leaks and other bugfixes courtesy of Alcaro

Input changes courtesy of Jacobeian – MIGHT finally fix long-standing input bugs
FBA Full should work again
New Input Settings option – Analog to D-pad mapping

Quelle: Wii-Info.fr

RetroArch Wii v1.0.0.0

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Themaister, Squarepusher und Toad King haben den Multi-System-Emulator "RetroArch Wii" auf v1.0.0.0 aktualisiert!


Die Performance des Gameboy Advance Emulators wurde verbessert, alle Spiele sollen nun mit voller Geschwindigkeit laufen (selbst Final Fantasy 5/6). Außerdem wurde das Menü verbessert. Dank der neuen "Detect Core" Funktion muss man nicht mehr den Kern umändern, bevor man eine ROM startet. Außerdem wurde der OpenGL-Treiber verbessert und MAME 2003 wurde hinzugefügt

- VBA Next performance improvements - all games should now play at fullspeed more or less (even games like Final Fantasy 5/6)
- Revised menu - should now have the same functionality as all other RetroArch versions
- New 'Detect Core' function - you no longer have to switch a core and then select a ROM - with this mode you can select a ROM and RetroArch will look at the file extension and start the core associated to it. If there are multiple cores that support this file extension, then it will give you a list of supported cores and you can select which one you want to use.
- Much improved OpenGL driver - the PS3 version of RetroArch should now have the lowest input/video latency out of all RetroArch versions (with the exception of maybe KMS/libdrm on Linux).
- Comes with MAME 2003 now. Mortal Kombat 1/2/3/Ultimate should all play at fullspeed with the DCS Hack enabled.
- Many more changes...

Quelle: Wii-Info.fr

Wii U (USA): Launch-Titel der Virtual Console enthüllt

Wii U, Wii U eShop , , , , ,

Übermorgen (?) ist es wahrscheinlich so weit: Die Virtual Console kommt endlich auf die Wii U! Nintendo of America hat nun die Launch-Titel bekanntgegeben. Jedoch ist unklar, ob genau die selben Titel auch in Deutschland zum Start verfügbar sind.

Weiterlesen "Wii U (USA): Launch-Titel der Virtual Console enthüllt"

RetroArch Wii v0.9.8.4

vWii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Manchmal gibt es Tage, da hat man null Bock auf News – So ein Tag ist für mich heute ._.


* [NEStopia] Famicom Disk System support. For Android users - put disksys.rom
into the same folder as the FDS ROM you're trying to load. For everyone else -
put disksys.rom into your system directory.
- Y Button will switch sides of a disk.
- If you get any problems of the sort DISK A / B ERR 07' - pressing Y button again or letting it run its course should do it.
- NOTE - Famicom Disk System loading is slow, so you might be tempted to fast forward through most of it. However, I'd advise caution when doing so and to savestate regularly in case 'fast forwarding' can negatively affect disk loading.
* [FBA core] Various changes/fixes
- Hook up Eco Fighters controls (Turn 1/Turn 2 bound to L and R buttons)
- Hook up Pnickie controls (Turn 1/Turn 2 bound to L and R buttons - press
one of the buttons to progress beyond start screen)
- Hook up Continental Circus controls - Brake 2/Brake 3 (L1/L2 buttons)
and Accelerate 2/Accelerate 3 (R1/R2 buttons)
- Hook up Gun Smoke controls - Start button (needed to progress beyond
title screen)
- Hook up Mighty Pang controls (P1 Shot1/P1 Shot2/P2 Shot1/P2 Shot2)
- Fixed Varia Metal palette
- Fixed Fairyland Story palette
- Fixed Return of the Invaders palette
- Fixed Act-Fancer palette issue
- Endian fixes in the following games (PS3/360/Wii/Gamecube) -
- Surprise Attack
- Rollergames
- Ultra Man
- Oh My Gods
- Moonwalker (Sega System 18 bootleg) [magicseb]
- Hyper Pac
- Snow Bros 1
- Honey Dolls
- Fixes pitch issue in Gals Hustle (will possibly fix more games as well)
* [FBA core] [For Wii/Gamecube/Xbox 1 only] The main FBA version now has CPS1/CPS2/
Neogeo and Mega Drive/PC Engine drivers removed. To play CPS1, use FBA Cores CPS1.
To play CPS2, use FBA Cores CPS2. To play NeoGeo, use FBA Cores Neo.
* [FBA core] Made FBA Cores CPS1 - use this to play CPS1 games (all CPS1 ROMs
fit into memory on Gamecube).
* [Android] Fixed regression where a button bound to AKEYCODE_BACK would 'exit out'
of RetroArch.
* [Android] Fixes Madcatz fighting stick being autodetected properly.
* [Android] Input autodetection expanded -
- iControlpad
* [Gamecube] Made RetroArch cores 'standalone' - ie. no core switching.
* [Xbox 1] Add Low RAM mode - this needs to be used to play games that won't otherwise fit into RAM,
such as Street Fighter Alpha 3/Vampire Savior and other big ROMs in FBA Cores CPS2/NeoGeo/FBA.
* [Unzipping [All consoles/Android]] Moved from rzlib to miniz/minizip -should increase compatibility
with ZIP archives

via Wii-Info.fr

RetroArch Wii v0.9.8.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Das Team rund um RetroArch Wii hat RetroArch Wii aktualisiert! Dies ist ein Multiemulator!




* [FBA core] Various changes/fixes
– Hook up Armed Police Batrider controls
– Afterburner – make fire buttons work
– Hook up Bad Dudes controls
– Hook up Cyberbots controls
– Hook up 1942 controls
– Add missing Chase HQ controls
– Add missing WWF Wrestlefest controls
– EEPROM save should now work (tested with EEPROM-based system such as Capcom CPS2)
– Samples are now looked for – should be in ’samples' subdirectory
– Hiscore files should now be read from/written to.
* [SNES9x Next] Added big speed hack for Star Fox 1 – makes it fast enough for it to run at fullspeed on the Wii.
* [Genesis Plus GX] Set samplerate back to 44Khz.
* [Android] New 'Calibrate Refresh Rate' option – use this to get an accurate estimation of your screen refresh rate. NOTE: Touch the screen at all times during calibration for more accurate measurements. You might have to slightly tweak the value later on for the best results.
* [Android] Added a 'Set OS-reported refresh rate' which should do the same as what 'Sync refreshrate to Screen' previously did. Note 2 users might get better results with this than they will with 'Calibrate refresh rate'.
* [Android] Added a built-in help system that should answer a lot of the frequently asked questions.
* ]Android] Add iCade profiles – two added for now – iPega and Red Samurai
* [Android] Audio resampler now faster
* [Android] Input autodetection expanded –
* [CONSOLES] Audio resampler is now adjustable – can choose between Sinc resampler (new) and Hermite resampler (old). Sinc is now selected by default, is superior audio-quality wise and will fix a lot of sound issues.
* [PS3] Save Preset fixed
* [PS3] Starting with Dual Shader/Custom Scaling mode OFF and then turning it ON works now
* [Wii] Numerous Wii video mode fixes – including PAL modes that went beyond the internal framebuffer bounds
– PC2JAMMA-USB (needs to be tested)
– Genius MaxFire G-08XU
– Zeemote Steelseries
– Saitek Rumblepad
– Super Smart Joy

via Wii-Info.fr

RetroArch Wii v0.9.8.2

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , , ,

Themaister, Squarepusher und Toad King
haben RetroArch Wii aktualisiert! MOMENT? Dejá vú? Ne, schaut mal unter diese News…


– [Genesis Plus GX] Updated to latest SVN – Lunar: Eternal Blue (MCD, JP) works again
– [Gamecube] Initial release of RetroArch Gamecube.
– [Wii] Fixed serious blitting bug that affected certain PCE games – Dai Makai Mura, R-Type et al should display correctly now


RetroArch Wii v0.9.8.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Themaister, Squarepusher und Toad King haben den Multi-Emulator "RetroArch Wii" aktualisiert!


– [FBA] Fixed serious bug that would cause a lot of games to get stuck in service mode or to display graphical corruption (CPS1).
– [NEStopia] Now outputs in mono sound mode.
– [FCEUmm] Uses RGB565 now – should no longer flicker on RMenu.
– [Mednafen PC Engine Fast] Fixed libretro issue where certain games had totally wrong pitch
– [Mednafen Wonderswan] Core fixed, works again.
– [Genesis Plus GX] Set audio samplerate at 48KHz (from 44KHz).
