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Schlagwort: usb

Nintendont r85

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

nintendontDa ist sie, die Revision 80 von Nintendont! Jetzt arbeitet FIX94 (bekannt vom WiiFlow) übrigens auch an Nintendont. Das ist schon fast ein Großprojekt der namhaften Developer 😉

UPDATE 3: Nintendont r85 ist da! Speichern sollte nun schneller gehen, gleichzeitig wurde auch die Memory-Emulation in Luigis Mansion und Super Smash Bros. Melee gefixt.

UPDATE 2: Revision 84 ist auch schon draußen. Es wurden einige Bugs gefixt, mehr im Changelog.

UPDATE: Revision 81 ist raus, mit einer Auswahl der zweiten Disc im Menü.


Jedes Spiel hat nun seine eigene Memory Card Datei, ein neuer Fix soll hoffentlich das Einfrieren wegen der Memory Card Emulation beheben (was bei Smashbros. Melee nicht funktioniert, deshalb wird dort der alte Weg benutzt) und das Laden der Spiele wurde stabilisiert.

- added a new memory card emu patch pattern to fix luigis mansion, super smash
bros melee and potentially more games, with that I could remove both old saving
- reduced the wait time to sync with saving, this should make saving a bit faster

- Added debug.h

- added a save exception for luigis mansion ntsc (still doesnt really work for me, but at least it doesnt always freeze)
- updated autoboot configuration, loaders now must provide the game id
- changed up some stuff to maybe fix the "Init Card" freeze on game boot

- Cleaned up the use of dbgprintf significantly
- Fixed a typo in HID.c that would prevent it from compiling if DEBUG_HID was defined

- Add selection for iso of disc 2 to menu.

- every game now gets its own memory card file, the file name is the game id
- added a new way of hopefully fixing memory card emu freezes (currently not
working with melee so that is still using the old way)
- added a possible stabilization for game loading as we think it might help

WiiFlow v4.2.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Das WiiFlow-Team hat WiiFlow aktualisiert!


Nun kann man auch alle Sourcen (= Spiele, Emulatoren…) in einem Coverflow durchsuchen. Außerdem gibt es ein komplett neues Design. WiiFlow dunkelt sich nun nach einer Minute ohne Aktivität ab. Ein Glück: Das Feature, mit "B" auf das Fragezeichen zu klicken, um ein zufälliges Spiel zu starten, kann nun deaktiviert werden. Nintendont wid nun auch unterstützt. Es wurden außerdem noch einige neue Optionen hinzugefügt, auch wurde der vWii-Widescreen-Fix implementiert. Außerdem wurden viele Bugs gefixt.

Hey everyone, FIX94 here with WiiFlow 4.2.1.
Since I cant really remember all changes I probably will forget half of them, but you can find all of them for sure:
-Sourceflow, now you can view all sources in a coverflow too
-Completely reworked default theme by mamule, thanks to him alot for all the work
-added experimental autoboot function for source menu buttons, just add "autoboot=ID" for channel, wii and gc game buttons or "autoboot=TITLE" for plugin and homebrew buttons. Replace ID/TITLE with the game ID/Title you want to boot when clicking on the button of course.
-added "allow_b_on_questionmark" to the wiiflow.ini so you can disable the random game bootup when pressing b on the question mark icon
-added new source menu config menu access it via startup settings menu
-wiiflow will now slightly fadeout to black after one minute of no activity
-added Nintendont GC Loader support
-added custom titles support for plugin roms
-added 4 nand presets to the nand setting page 2
-added the vwii widescreen fix by tueidj
-added quite alot of new options to wiiflow to set various things
-fixed ALOT of bugs which prevented games from booting, letting wiiflow crash etc
Happy new year!

Quelle: GoogleCode

USB Loader GX Beta r1218

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Das USB Loader GX Team hat eine neue Beta des USB Loader GX veröffentlicht!


In dieser Version wurden einige Fehler gefixt, u.a. beim Playlog, dem EmuNAND und dem Löschen von Gamecube-Spielen. Es wurde auch Nintendont-Support hinzugefügt. Dazu muss die boot.dol von Nintendont im Loader ausgewählt werden und der Gamecube-Mode auf "Nintendont" gestellt werden. Die Belegung der Knöpfe wurde verbessert, es werden nun mehr Knöpfe unterstützt (bspw. kann das Karussell mit dem Steuerkreuz des Gamecube- und Classic-Controllers gedreht werden.

Der USB Loader GX lädt nun auch schneller und kann nun auch ohne cIOS gestartet werden. Um Spiele zu spielen werden trotzdem immer noch cIOS benötigt! Weiteres im Changelog!

* Fixed missing games in "GameCube Delete menu" if
  the "GameCube Source" setting has USB priority.
* Fixed Playlog writing when using Hermes cIOS v4 (untested)
  (Requires AHB access).
* Fixed EmuNAND when using cIOS revision 65535 ( issue 2225 )
* Added Nintendont support:
  1. Select Nintendont's boot.dol folder in userpath settings.
  2. Set the "GameCube Mode" setting to Nintendont.
  3. Nintendont share some of DIOS MIOS (Lite) settings.
* Added sections in the Loader settings
  (Wii/gamecube/Devolution/DIOS MIOS/Nintendont).
* Updated the GameCube game settings to display only
  the selected GameCube mode related settings.
* Updated some menus to support more controller's input:
   - Prevent GC/CC X and Y buttons to change row number in
     Wall layout (use d-pad up/down only)
   - Added GC/CC support to carousel's arrow button
   - Added GC/CC support to Wall/Carousel continuous
     scroll (+/- on CC, L/R on GC)
   - Added GC support L/R and Start buttons in the
     settings/homebrew browser.
   - Added D-pad support in listing windows if not pointing
     the screen. The cursor now moves with the selection
     (not very good with high Overscan value) (issue 2093)
* Changed the StartupProcess to speed up launch time by
  using AHB access to read config files. IOS argument in
  meta.xml has priority over AHB detection.
* Added IOS58 + AHB support for launching the loader
  without cIOS (Wii games and EmuNAND still require cIOS).
* Added a Loader's IOS setting (now Loader and Games use
  two separate settings: loader can use 58 and games 249).
* Added LibruntimeIOSPatch to patch IOS58 and Hermes v4 to
  get ISFS access and enable Banner mode, Channel's title
  and System font with these IOSes (Requires AHB access)
* Added a delete prompt if downloaded cheat file is empty.
* Force all launched homebrew to reload to IOS58 if available.
* Changed Gecko.c to send logs to wifigecko too.
* Changed wifigecko IP to send logs to all IP 192.168.0.x
* Updated French translation.

Quelle: Googlecode

WiiFlow v4.2

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , , , , ,

Das WiiFlow-Team hat den WiiFlow aktualisiert!


Es wurde ein FTP-Server hinzugefügt, sodass vom PC aus auf die Festplatte zugegriffen werden kann. Auch wurde ein Dateimanager und ein Sprachen-Downloader hinzugefügt. Die Pfade für WiiFlow und dem emulierten NAND können dank dem neuen Pfadwähler einfacher ausgewählt werden. Custom Banner können nun auch direkt heruntergeladen werden, was eher für Gamecube-Spiele nützlich ist. Auch neu ist ein WAD Installer für den emulierten NAND. Es wurde außerdem noch ein automatischer MIOS Installer für verschiedene Gamecube-Spiele hinzugefügt. Wie das geht lest ihr am besten im Changelog.

Ein weiteres Highlight ist das neue "Source" Menü. Damit können mehrere Coverflows auf einmal angezeigt werden. Dies kann in den Starteinstellungen konfiguriert werden. WiiFlow unterstützt nun auch "UStealth", ein Tool, welches die Festplatte "versteckt", sodass die Wii U diese nicht andauernd formatieren möchte. WiiFlow erkennt mit dieser Version die Platte nun. Weitere Informationen zu UStealth gibt’s auf GBATemp, wir bieten dieses Tool nicht an. Zu guter Letzt gab es noch nicht gelistete Bugfixes.

Hey everyone, finally its time again for a release here! :)
Now we do move up to 4.2 because of all the big additions to wiiflow!
The main new features are
-a FTP Server
-a File Explorer
-a Language Downloader
-a Path Selector for both wiiflow paths and Emulated NAND paths
-a custom banner downloader
-a WAD Installer for Emu NAND Channels
-an automated MIOS installer for different GC games
-a new Source Menu feature to select multiple coverflows to display at the same time
I hope that includes most of the important changes.
You can find the FTP Server and File Explorer in the Home Menu of WiiFlow
The WAD Installer is used via the File Explorer, you can also uninstall Channels now from your Emu NAND using the same way as for every other game
The Language Downloader is located in the general settings as well as the Path Selectors
The custom banner downloader are in the per-game settings, mainly downloading GC banners
To use the automated MIOS installation just use the new "mios" folder in your wiiflow main folder, copy in dm.wad for diosmios, dml.wad for diosmios lite, qfusb.wad for quadforce usb, qfsd.wad for quadforce sd and mios.wad for the regular mios, the wads you need to copy in depend on your personal usage
To use the new Source Menu features just go into the startup settings and enable Multisource, you can use the + button to select more than one source then.
WiiFlow now also has full compatibility to UStealth, a tool to hide your HDD from the WiiU question if you want to format it, check out gbatemp.net/threads/352786 for more details about that tool.
now this is just the list of big things, yet again they are alot of smaller additions and as always bugfixes, cleanups and speedups.
To find out more about the new release you can join the irc channel #wiiflow on irc.abjects.net or just go to the gbatemp.net wiiflow thread and just ask what you want to ask.
Thanks to everyone still supporting the project, especially to fledge68, Ayatus, mamule and all the beta testers and contributors behind the scenes!
Have Fun!

Quelle: Googlecode

Configurable USB-Loader Mod r65

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

R2-D2199 hat nach einer langen Zeit seine Mod des CFG-Loaders aktualisiert. Entsprechend groß sind auch die Änderungen.


Neben Fehlerbehebungen beim Disc installieren wurden viele weitere Fehler gefixt und ein paar Änderungen im Benutzerinterface durchgeführt. Support für Kanäle wurde auch hinzugefügt. Mehr im Changelog-Spoiler


-fixed searching for hdd when
only sd is used (issue 110)
-added neek2o plugin (thx Maxternal)

-Fixed installing the second disk of multi disk gamecube games
-Fixed the size of multi disk gamecube games
-Added error messages for read errors when installing a gamecube game 

-Added new command gui_button_jump to theme.txt so the jump button can be used within themes

-Added battery level display to Home Menu
-Fixed covers failing to load after scrolling through a lot of them
-Fixed installing game cube disk to NTFS drive
-Fixed delays caused by trying to access channels & gamecube files as wbfs files
-Fixed jump when starting on Okami
-Fixed Home Menu button size when the home key is set to priiloader
-Added banner sounds for gamecube and channels to console menu
-Fixed tennis genre
-Fixed Home Menu, priiloader and home brew channel not displaying as disabled when disable_options = 1 

-Fixed DML copying from NTFS to sd Estimated time remaining and size
-Improved time for copying gamecube games from ntfs to sd by 29% for DML
-Fixed Crash when selecting skip wbfs mounting
-Fixed downloading covers with "N" as the region code
-Improved channel loading into the game list time by 50%
-Fixed crash when downloading covers and getting a network error

-Added Channel delete
-Fixed Channel size display
-Fixed Filters working within favorites

-Added Channel banner sound
-Added display of Channel Req ios
-Added auto ios selection for channels. Auto used to always select ios 249 that may work better.
-Changed installing a game to display the cover if downloaded
-Changed installing a game to  return to the game just installed
-Fixed crash after filtering to no games then switching favorites,  switching profiles, unlocking admin or installing a game
-Added reading names out of channel files
-Fixed loading channels not closing directories properly

-Fixed loading an empty entry in the game list for each channel
-Fixed reading game options for id4
-Fixed 3 channels being loaded on the channel list that shouldnt

-Added filter by Game Type
-Moved filter wii, gamecube & channel into filter by Game Type
-Added download of channel info in wiitdb
-Added sort by Game ID
-Added sort by duplicate ID3 (console mode only)
-Fixed starting a channel wasnt updating playstats.txt
-Fixed reading playstats.txt when game id is ID4
-Fixed startup going to previous channel
-Added genres to game info Display

-change the way channels are loaded

-Added Jump Feature (updated to better handle titles with multibyte first characters)
-Added more Genre filters
-Fixed RPG genre
-Fixed console menues for filter by genre, controler and online (when wii, gamecube & channel options were added the menu sizes werent updated which made a mess)
-Fixed missing begin end brackets when adding controllers to the filter by controller console menu
-Moved console mode filter by online players from the filter by genre menu to the filter by online menu
-Fixed back option getting overwritten on graphic filter menu when channels were added

Quelle: GoogleCode

Nintendont: Crediar zeigt neues Video

vWii, Wii, Wii U , , , , , , , , ,

Wir haben schon mal über "Nintendont" berichtet. Dies ist eine Homebrew, mit der man Gamecube-Spiele im Wii-Modus der Wii U spielen kann. Nun hat Crediar ein neues Video gezeigt.

Auch hat er interessantes zum WiiMote- und Memory Card-Support geschrieben.

Weiterlesen "Nintendont: Crediar zeigt neues Video"

WiiFlow v4.1.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

Das WiiFlow-Team hat WiiFlow aktualisiert!


Hauptsächlich wurden Bugs gefixt. Zum Beispiel kann man jetzt, dank eines neuen NTSC-J Patches, japanische Gamecube-Spiele spielen. Auch wird der Hook-Type bei Spielen nun automatisch gesetzt, d.h., wenn du Cheats verwenden willst, musst du nur noch "Ocarina" auf "Ein" setzen. Quadforce 4 und höher wird nun auch unterstützt.

Voller Changelog:

hey guys, time to update to 4.1.3!
not much changed this time but you know stability updates are important, thats the log:
-added my ntsc-j patch for gc games, meaning you should be able to play japanese gc games on non-japanese properly now
-updated the wii game video patching, now if you set video patching to normal or higher, it will also apply the sneek video patch, this will give you a much higher compatility in patching video modes
-added fwrite patch, just set debugger to OSReport
-fixed up some neek rev checks
-replaced the "Disabled" hooktype by "AUTO", meaning it will automatically set the hooktype VBI for you if you want to use cheats but forgot to select a hooktype
-added debugger pause back, it will be automatically enabled if you just use debugger but no cheats
-added full plugin dol path support, meaning if you use for example
dolFile=usb1:/apps/snes9xgx/boot.dol as dol file path,
wiiflow will also load it from there, if you just specify for example
dolFile=snes9xgx.dol, wiiflow will add the plugin path to it to build like
usb1:/wiiflow/plugins/snes9xgx.dol for loading
-added plugin dol path auto partition searching, meaning if you do
dolFile=apps/snes9xgx/boot.dol, wiiflow will check through
sd:/apps/snes9xgx/boot.dol, then usb1:/apps/snes9xgx/boot.dol, etc.
-updated wiiflows libraries, this should give more stability especially for cover loading
-added quadforce 4+ support
-added a new plugin argument, {name_no_ext}, it will get replaced by the filename, just without its extension
-now required and selected categories are cleared whenever you change source(s)

via Googlecode


WiiFlow Beta r913

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , , ,

Das WiiFlow-Team hat eine neue WiiFlow Beta veröffentlicht. Wir nähern uns der Revision 1000…


Neu sind mehr Fehlerbehebungen für Neek2o, aktualisierter MIOS-Check (fixt Quadforce 4+ Erkennung), aktualisierte Librarys, entfernen von unnötigen Dateien, SNEEK Video Patch und aktualisierte Sprachen.

Vollständiger Changelog:
Weiterlesen "WiiFlow Beta r913"

postLoader v4.4.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

stfour hat wieder seinen postLoader aktualisiert. Moment – war das nicht vor ein paar Stunden?


postLoader 4.4.3

* removed some debug messages
* minor fixes

postLoader 4.4.2

* fixed buffer allocation error in mem2 that was causing a dsi
* covercache now uses a single large buffer in mem2 for covers
* added mutex in mp3 player to control multithreaded file io
* minor fixes (also a typo in plugins.conf)..

via Googlecode

postLoader v4.4.1

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

stfour hat seinen postLoader aktualisiert.


postLoader 4.4.1

* added new tag to plugin.conf to specify alternate dol search path (more info in the the file)
* removed option menu
* when a an icon is clicked, a full res cover is displayed.
* postloader binary configuration file is no more resetted if size changes
* emuBrowser: fixed filters issue if plugins.conf file is modified
* changed, again, sigh :( semaphores in covercache, hoping that this will stop occasionally hangs
* various fixs...

postLoader 4.4.0

* covers are scaled down to save memory
* added "Enable TEX cache" in "config->advanced option". If enabled a folder /ploader/tex will be created, and a rgb raw texture will be saved. 
This give a great boost on cover update speed but require up to 144Kb per covers on the device. Note that disabling it will remove all cached textures.
* covers lookup for emus is much faster

via Googlecode

The Homebrew Filter rev43

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

setialpha hat den Homebrew Filter aktualisiert.

Download: WiivWii

- added chinese translation and font file (thanks to kavid)
- fixed downloading japanese font file from server
- add "Return to Wii U menu" in vWii versions
- disable reading Homewbrew from DVD on vWii
- display GC-MemoryCard symbol in app-info-dialog on real
  Wii, if device icon is enabled in settings
- Fixed bug that made HBF search for Settings Editor GUI
  on DVD, GCA and GCB, even if already found on SD or USB
- Set "Settings.{dvd,gca,gcb}_insert" to false on vWii

postLoader v4.3.0

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , , ,

stfour hat seinen postLoader aktualisiert.


Es wurden eine menge Bugs gefixt!

* appBrowser: fixed a memory corruption with more than 86 homebrew. The real limit is 256, and once reached, it should no codedump. (thx MassiveRican)
* appBrowser: current subfolder/page is correctly restored after executing an homebrew.
* appBrowser: changed format of cache.
* appBrowser: <long_desc> tag is read from the meta.xml when required.
* emuBrowser: now supports .png, .jpg, .bmp covers
* emuBrowser: added support for emulator's plugin arguments ({device},{path},{name},{loader},{titlelow},{titlehi},{loadername}
* emuBrowser: added auto import of retroarch snapshots as covers. Note that if enabled (home->Auto import...) any .bmp will be removed from :/retroarch folder
* emuBrowser: fixed displaying of the same cover for multiple roms.
* emuBrowser: plugins.conf has a new format. Please update from full dist.
* various fix/code optimizations.

via Googlecode