* Displays file modified time in file browser. (Display date format according to your current region)
* Added FTP menu. (Slightly modified version based on mtheall's ftpd)
* Fixed check box mis-alignment, and now uses the proper icon.
* New theme manager. (Settings->Theme icon->Select theme) Guide -> https://github.com/joel16/3DShell/wiki/Theme-Guide
* Removed FRD:U access (security purposes with NNIDs)
* Added support for the following image formats. (GIF[un-animated], (untested ->) HDR, PIC, PNM, PSD, TGA)
* Minor keyboard improvements - now includes words suggestions to improve user expereince.
* Now uses your 3DS username set through settings rather than NNID.
* Now displays build date in version string.
* Use native FS:User functions instead of stdio for file operations, and file browsing. (With this 95% of file functions now use FS:User)
* Rename now displays file name.
* Allow user to rename files without automatically setting the extension.
* Handle file extensions using fs:user rather than strrchr. This should improve performance since the flags are already set when scanning the directory.
* Fixed crash when exiting after using the image viewer.
* Fixed crash when opening a random directory. (Could have easily been reproduced, however the switch from opendir -> FSUSER_OpenDirectory fixed this)
* This software update improves the quality of the application performance. (Many optimazations and code clean-up, improving overall application stability, more use of native functions)
* Added a minimal CIA installer, displays CIA info and icon. (Only meant to be used for installing homebrew CIA)
* Installed CIA, can be instantly launched after it's been installed.
* Determine read only files (-r--r--)
* Selecting FTP two or more times without exiting the app result in crash, if you try exiting with the start button or the home button.
* Folders created by the Nintendo 3DS give an inaccurate timestamp (example DCIM, or Themes folder).
* CIA installing animation had to be stripped.
* If you find any other issues please submit them to the issue tracker.